IG-88 (#15) - Hasbro - The Black Series [Phase II] (2015)
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Hasbro's PulseCon Presentation Revealed Two Of The WORST Choices For Repacking In TVC

Hasbro made TWO HUGE mistakes deciding on what figures to release in The Vintage Collection basic figure line. It might be two of their worst decisions in the ENTIRE run of The Vintage Collection basic figure line. (more….)



These two mistakes are worse than Hasbro considering to add 2007’s TAC Darth Revan (30 34) into the line. (Remember that debacle? And it now looks like the plans designing the new version has ceased. We digress.) What’s worse than re-releasing a figure from 2007 is re-releasing The Black Series [Phase II] Captain Rex (#09) figure and 2011’s TVC TIE Fighter Pilot (VC65) figure. Both are outdated. Both need severe updating before they are ever considered for re-release. And WHERE THE *BLEEP* is the canceled 2013 Legacy Collection “2” Phase I Captain Rex? Hasbro, what’s your defect with not releasing this figure? It’s a crime at this point. Here is your reminder of the four figures you never released and that TVC collectors desperately want to buy.

The TIE Fighter Pilot makes us madder. The original tooling of the TIE Fighter Pilot is from 2008’s The Legacy Collection Evolutions sets. These figures have no ankle joints, their legs are too close together. And the upper body articulation is not nearly as functional as it should be. The TIE Fighter Pilot should be somewhere within Hasbro’s parking lot for an all-new update. You have to wonder if the current Hasbro team has any concept of what figures need to be re-released from the original run of The Vintage Collection. What about Shae Vizla? What about characters to help develop our playsets (skiff guards, Bespin characters, and Jabba’s palace)? What are they thinking?

What collector ever said he or she needed 2012’s TVC Queen Amidala (VC84) figure from the Great Debacle of 2012? That figure was available for five years at Five Below. It feels like the only wise choices for a re-release are the Battle Droid (VC78) (with corrected head deco) and Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) (VC32), but even the latter is a stretch. And why release Anakin without Padme? Did you confuse the Queen Amidala figure with the Padme figure?

But please, Hasbro, reconsider Captain Rex and the TIE Fighter Pilot. Until you give us articulated ankles on the TIE Fighter Pilot, please don’t re-release the figure again. We were disappointed when you packed it into the latest TVC TIE Fighter vehicle! It’s evident now that you’re not even taking this line seriously anymore. We have no characters to populate our Carbon-Freezing Chamber, and you stopped cold turkey on giving us characters for The Khetanna. Please get that momentum rolling again. And please ask a trustable source of collectors what makes a wise TVC repack or not. Most of the figures announced today are NOT ideal by any stretch of the imagination.


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