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Where Is That Refocused Attention For The Kenner 96, Hasbro?

This past February, the biggest news from NY International Toy Fair was that Hasbro refocused their efforts to bring us what they’re calling the original “Kenner 96.” They even made a slide describing this new “initiative.” They launched this new effort with the Power Droid. It was the first figure announced to fall under this criterion. (more….)

None of us want to take for granted that Hasbro gave us the long-awaited Lars’ homestead Power Droid, by why did that momentum come to a screeching halt? We now moved through multiple Hasbro events and conventions, and not a single other  “Kenner 96” figure has been announced Instead, we get four of the worst repacked figures imaginable What’s going on at Hasbro?

Here were are nearly a year later. A TVC Carbon-Freezing Chamber playset has been released, and there are no Bespin Security Guards or Ugnaughts in The Vintage Collection. (Both need to be placed on TVC card backs, and Hasbro has excellent sculpts of each rotting in their tooling archives to deliver them to us.)

If they take parts from BOTH The Legacy Collection Ugnaught (blue) and the Legacy Collection Ugnaught (gray) they can compile a Kenner-specific version of the Ugnaught and release it on a TVC card back. (It should have been the pack-in figure for the playset.)

They also have multiple Cloud City Wing Guard figures that they could repack in the line, or change the portraits to give us the Kenner mustached Bespin Security Guard. They could easily repack Sergeant Edian for the 1982 ESB Bespin Security Guard. There are countless other figures that they could be getting out to collectors, updated in TVC packaging, yet nothing is done. Why?

AT-AT Driver. Zuckuss (Kenner 4-LOM). 2-1B. FX-7. All-new TESB TIE Fighter Pilot. Lobot. Lando Calrissian. Rebel Commander. How come you don’t understand what needs to be released? These are just figures for The Empire Strikes Back, since we’re supposed to be celebrating its 40th Anniversary!

As usual, it’s important to let your voice be heard, so Hasbro knows which figures to focus on to complete the original vintage Kenner lineup. We’ve reviewed all of the Kenner figures released between 1978 and 1985. You can find all of the categories HERE. Or, you can search our Star Wars archives, our The Empire Strikes Back archive, our Return Of The Jedi archive, and our The Power Of The Force archive. Most importantly, in each action figure review, we’ve added a section where we designate which modern Hasbro figure is the closest counterpart to the vintage Kenner figure too.

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