Resistance Tech Rose (55) - Hasbro - The Black Series [Phase III] (2017)
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The Future Direction Of Star Wars HasLab

Now that the Razor Crest has turned out to be the most successful HasLab project yet, I think it’s time to think about the future. What I want to focus on is what kinds of projects Hasbro should do. Do you want more big vehicles and ships? Do you even have the space for more big vehicles and ships? So the real question is: would you eventually stop backing huge Star Wars HasLab vehicles, because you simply have no more space to put them anywhere or to display them properly? Just check out the photo below which shows a 1/18 scale AT-AT next to Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher as Luke and Leia. So let’s talk about whether or not more big vehicles is what you want or if more big vehicles may eventually result in collectors no longer willing to back a Star Wars HasLab because they have run out of space. Click through for the short discussion.

1/18 scale mockup of AT-AT next to Luke and Leia

1/18 scale AT-AT. Look at the size of that thing!

Star Wars vehicles are huge, most of them at least. Both the sail barge and the Razor Crest have quite big Vintage Collection representations, and still, true 1/18 scale would have been too much, so Hasbro had to underscale both. The Khetanna is 1/24 scale, the Razor Crest is 1/36 scale.

So the question is: would space requirements eventually be a concern for you? Would you stop backing a Star Wars HasLab vehicle because you lack the space to display it? Or would you still back it and store it somewhere, never displaying it at all?

What I am getting at is this: are more huge vehicles a good option for future potential Star Wars HasLab projects or is it time to maybe turn to other things? What about a set of missing Kenner figures in TVC? Or maybe it’s time to give the Black Series a shot at HasLab with something like a Rancor or Geonosis Arena beasts?

Look at how big a Vintage Collection Sandcrawler would be if it were true 1/18 scale:

1/18 scale mockup of Sandcrawler next to Luke and Leia

1/18 scale Sandcrawler next to Mark and Carrie

For reference, Mark Hamill is 1.70 m / 5’7” tall.

But even if Hasbro underscales the AT-AT or Sandcrawler, they would still be huge, here’s what 1/24 scale (same as the Khetanna) versions of the vehicles would look like next to a person:

1/18 scale AT-AT next to Mark and Carrie

1/24 scale AT-AT next to Mark and Carrie, still the size of a small pony

1/24 scale Sandcrawler next to Mark and Carrie

A true 1/18 scale TIE Fighter would be 49 cm / 19.3 inches tall, which is manageable, but maybe not too exciting, since there already are a number of TIE Fighter toys out there. An X-Wing would be 74.44 cm / 29.30 inches long and 65.33 cm / 25.72 inches wide, so it would have a large footprint due to its wingspan and there already are a number of (severely underscaled) TVC versions out there.

So: do you think more big and huge vehicles is still the way to go for Star Wars HasLab after the Khetanna and Razor Crest? Or is it time for Hasbro to turn to other things like figure sets, creatures or maybe dioramas / playsets? Would you back huge Star Wars HasLab vehicles no matter what – even if you run into severe space issues at home? Or would you reach a point where you have to say, “no”, because you simply have no space left to display something as impressive as HasLab vehicles at home?



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