The Vintage Collection Queen Amidala (VC84), also part of the “worst reissue wave ever,” has also never looked better. Frankly, the figure is a work of art. (It was in 2012 too.) It received a couple of enhancements. The Photo Real on this figure is absolutely mesmerizing. We took the time to break it all down for you by producing an all-new 64-image gallery complete with both versions (2012 and 2021) featured, comparison shots, and a breakdown of what separates the two releases in the Collector Notes. Check out this exquisitely updated figure in our RDRs now! There’s more difference here than you may realize.
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3.75-inch Super-Articulated Battle Of Naboo Hasbro Kenner Padmé Amidala Queen Amidala Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace The Vintage Collection
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