“Well well well! Look what the cat cleaned up, showered, exfoliated, powdered, lipsticked, Gucci’d and dragged in!” Hasbro, without warning, is now invading the old Expanded Universe for The Black Series 6″ line. For the newbies, the Expanded Universe made its debut in 1998 during The Power Of The Force “2” era and ushered in a new and eager facet of the Star Wars collecting community. Years later, fans wanted more, and Hasbro introduced the Comic Packs line, and release dozens of two-packs featuring some of the most interesting, rich, unique, and beloved Star Wars characters ever introduced outside of the films. They are some of our most-visited reviews too! Some of the figures go for INSANE amounts of money today. With this post, we’re asking that Hasbro treats The Vintage Collection community with dignity and respect and get out some of the most classic (and expensive aftermarket) action figures in multipacks, or single-carded to include, and not exclude, us in this momentous event. See the full range of Comic Packs figures HERE.