6 inch collectors get yet another option for an IG-11 action figure. Medicom Toys aka MAFEX have revealed their version of IG-11. This will be the third option for collectors. There already is a really bad Black Series figure that no one should buy and a very excellent S.H. Figuarts version that is not only screen accurate (unlike the TBS version) but comes with a few sensible accessories. MAFEX is late to the game here, but their IG-11 maybe has a few little extras that may convince collectors to pull the trigger even if they may already own the SHF version. MAFEX IG-11 comes with a tray (you see this in a scene with Kuiil) and just like the SHF version IG-11 also comes with an optional detonator part and the carry bag for Baby Yoda. But where SHF would give their IG-11 only the empty bag (you can put SHF Grogu inside the bag), MAFEX adds Grogu, but it appears he’s part of the bag sculpt and non removable.
Head to the Medicom website for more photos! There is no info on availability or price yet, we will keep you posted! Are you interested in the MAFEX IG-11?

MAFEX IG-11, at your service