Anakin Skywalker's Starfighter - Hasbro - 30th Anniversary Collection (2007)
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It's Time To Start Amortizing The Tooling Costs Of TVC's Boba Fett (VC186)

Now that Hasbro designed the stunning Boba Fett (VC186) figure, it’s time to amortize that figure’s tooling by producing all the other variations of Boba Fett in the Star Wars universe. Click through for a dozen suggestions for Hasbro. It will help them save on tooling costs and make collectors happy at the same time.


Some of the most-requested Boba Fett action figure requests come from versions of Boba Fett that are concept works. From left to right below, we have Boba Fett (Prototype — Ralph McQuarrie), Boba Fett (Prototype — Joe Johnston), Boba Fett (Costume Prototype — all white), Boba Fett (Costume Prototype — “Jaeg eyes” color version #1), Boba Fett (Costume Prototype — color version #2), and Boba Fett (1979 Kenner). The Kenner action figure is based on the #2 color prototype.



We also have some incredible animated versions of Boba Fett that we’d love to have in The Vintage Collection. From left to right, we have Boba Fett (The Star Wars Holiday Special), Boba Fett (Droids), and Boba Fett (Marvel Comics).



Lastly, we have some live-action versions of Boba Fett that could stand a refresh or produce for the first time. From left to right we have Boba Fett (A New Hope Special Edition), Boba Fett (The Empire Strikes Back), and Boba Fett (The Mandalorian).



Yes, most of the figures will require new tooling. Some can be easy repaints. But imagine multiple basic figure releases of all of these characters, or perhaps a large box set that contains them all!

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