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Let's Talk About Star Wars Visions: Tatooine Rhapsody

Tatooine Rhapsody is the second of the Visions shorts and it couldn’t be any more different than the first episode. But is it any good? Let’s talk about Tatooine Rhapsody!

One Word: No

To make things short: as good as The Duel was, Tatooine Rhapsody is probably one of the worst pieces of Star Wars themed entertainment I have ever watched. And that includes the Holiday Special.

A huge part of Star Wars is the music and most pieces of music for the various other series and movies not scored by John Williams at least aim to emulate the familiar style. Star Wars simply wouldn’t be the same anymore without music in the style of John Williams.

Along comes Tatooine Rhapsody which is about a young Order 66 survivor who wants to break through with his rock band after spending several years on Tatooine, where he had escaped to. Too bad that the bassist is a Hutt and that Jabba has other plans for him and orders his execution when he refuses to take his place in the cartel. But the band is granted one last performance in the pod race arena before everyone is killed and the audience is of course absolutely thrilled by them and Jabba is convinced not to execute them but to become their patron.

That may sound better than it actually is, in fact, I found Tatooine Rhapsody almost unwatchable. While it’s good to try new things there is also a point where you are so far removed from anything Star Wars that it’s no longer Star Wars. The (punk) rock score driven by electric guitar just felt wrong, the story is laughable and quite frankly this is nothing I ever want to see again. This is not Star Wars. Maybe things are different for someone who likes this music style, I don’t. But even if I did I would still say this has no place in Star Wars, it’s just wrong.

Visions had a promising start but everything screeches to a halt and immediately crumbles to dust with Tatooine Rhapsody. And while we are not talking about the other episodes yet the good news is that the anthology series will recover from this absolute lowpoint in later episodes. But I wouldn’t blame anyone if they stopped watching the shorts after the travesty that is Tatooine Rhapsody. It was painful to watch.

It was a bad idea to give this short the greenlight. The pitch should have been vetoed by Lucasfilm and buried at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

How did you feel about this episode? Did you like it more than I did? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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