This last week was a good collecting week! I got some great toy deals for both new and old toys. I’d love to see what you collected this week. Please take a look and comment by clicking here.
In support of Thomas’s article about how Deluxe Black Series figures are a scam, I just wanted to point out the value of this pack I got from Walmart online this last week. It came with 12 stands, 8 guns, 1 turret, 2 crates, 2 power cells, shield, and the gunrack PLUS 2 fully articulated figures. It was $25. I would love a value pack of accessories for Star Wars like they used to do. An Armorer with a case of tools, an anvil and the furnace would be great, for example.
I also scored big at Goodwill this week! I found these 3 blasters (electronics work), and a Legacy Collection snow speederbike for a total of about $16.
Lastly, I finally found the Loyal Subjects Sauron figure at my local Walmart. It’s about $15, scales perfectly with my 4″ Boss Fight figures, and even has butterfly shoulder joints. I’m very impressed. A good black wash really brought this figure to life.
That’s all for me this week folks! I’m headed to at least one toy show this Halloween weekend at a local El Zaribah Shriner’s in Phoenix, but there is a second toy show in Glendale I may attend. Please share with us your weekly finds in the comments below!
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