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Hasbro Needs To Keep The Vintage Collection Trooper Builder 4-Packs Momentum Running — Part II

We had such a phenomenal response with our first article that featured ideas for the Troop Builder sets that we decided to do a second one, with more ideas and suggestions from you! As you know, Hasbro opened the floodgates of what the new 4-pack Trooper Builder multipacks can offer. The possibilities are endless. The line is admittedly off to a great start with Stormtroopers, Rebel Fleet Troopers, and now Shoretroopers, but there are MANY other Trooper Builder sets they need to get out to the market. We’d thought we’d offer up our suggestions. But, please, once again, offer up your suggestions and feedback in the comments too! Click through for more from Part II. If you missed “Part I,” click HERE to check it out.


501st & 332nd Clone Trooper
Hasbro has officially revealed both figures are coming to The Vintage Collection basic figure line. But both of these characters are troopers that collectors love to army build a ton of for their collections. We think a mixed four-pack, two of each type of trooper, would make for an excellent Trooper Build 4-pack. Hasbro only needs to resize the helmet (and make it smaller) for a proper fit. Hopefully, they won’t miss this detail on their next release.



Cloud City/Bespin Wing Guards
You may not know this, but Hasbro is currently hard at work updating the Bespin Security Guard for The Vintage Collection. It will feature a more streamlined look for the character and most of the wrinkles seen on the Legacy Collection version will be gone thanks to smart reuses of existing parts and new tooling. That said, we already anticipate that they won’t come close to meeting the demand of all the Bespin Security Guard action figures for The Vintage Collection. Hopefully, Hasbro will seize the opportunity and produce these four members of the Wing Guard and make 3.75-inch collectors very happy. L to R: Merril, Hector Spinoza, Fantes Medarro, and Corman Jeihn. There are many others that they should produce too.



Ewoks I
Let’s face it. Collectors can’t get enough Ewoks. And with the Troop Builder sub-line, Hasbro can give them to us at a quicker pace. We concocted two sets, Ewoks I and Ewok II, to help Hasbro get out as many Ewoks as they can to us. We ignored all of The Ninety Six since they MUST come on cards. First set L to R: Deej, Brethupp (which was supposed to already be in The Vintage Collection but was canceled), Tallee, and a proper Graak.



Ewoks II
Here’s another idea for a four-pack of fuzzy furballs. L to R: Zephee (with Wokling) — which was on rumor reports for YEARS), Greemon, Rabin, and Khungata.



Mon Calamari
You may or may not be aware, but there are at least three distinct uniforms for the Mon Calamari Officers. One wears a white cap. One doesn’t wear a cap and has an officer ranking badge. And the last is a leader, wearing a puffy vest with two front pockets. Hasbro needs to produce them all. it’s egregious to keep seeing Admiral Ackbar released and re-released, only to have no officers present to help him out. Also, for good measure, we’d like to see them tweak a fourth figure (mainly the torso) and add existing legs from a baggy pants-wearing character and create a super-articulated Admiral Raddus. How rad-dus would that be for us?.



Tusken Raiders
The retooled The Vintage Collection Tusken Raider got a lot of unnecessary flack. It seemed as if many collectors threw out the baby with the bathwater with this figure. A long-awaited update, Hasbro did a fantastic job ridding the 2006 tooling of swivel elbows and adding a new head sculpt and ball-jointed elbows and revised soft goods. The figure matched the second Tusken Raider shown below. However, Hasbro should tool two or three new portraits to help give collectors some Tusken Raider diversity. There are distinguishable looks for these nomadic wanderers, and collectors should have them all in their collections.



Various Battle Of Yavin Characters)
Hasbro could also get “clever” with the Trooper Builder 4-packs by creating themed sets too. We came up with the Battle of Yavin set which includes two new X-Wing Pilots, a Rebel Technician, and the Yavin Medal Bearer (which was PLANNED and FINALIZED to come out in The Black Series [Phase II] 3.75-inch line, but unfortunately was canceled at the last minute when the inaugural wave configuration got changed. That said, we still need all of these characters. L to R: Col Takbright, Theron Nett(Red Ten), Del Goren, and the Yavin Medal Bearer (also known as Arhul Hextrophon).


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