Obi-Wan Kenobi (30 05) - Hasbro - 30th Anniversary Collection (2007)
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Toy Run Tuesday #128 - The Razorcrest has Landed!!

Hello Toy Runners! I know for sure a lot of you had a great week for collecting because those Razorcrest Haslabs are being delivered all over the country! Please hop on in and share some pictures of how you plan to display this beast of a ship! Click here to check out my current display.


I was not able to back the barge (nor do I have the space), so this is my first Haslab. I wish I could have backed Galactus as I’m sure it will be awesome, but if I had to pick only 1 Haslab campaign to back I’m glad it was this one. This ship is awesome! I got home late from work, and even though I had to wake up early the next day, I couldn’t wait to open this awesome behemoth of a space ship. My 4 year old had been pestering my wife all day to know what was in the giant box that got delivered. He and I had the same smile on our faces when I pulled it out. I asked him who’s ship it was and with a grin he says “the mandalorian?” I’m so proud. 

Eventually I will be replacing that locker with more shelves, and I think I will create more of a diorama for the crest and have it on it’s landing gear. For now, though, I am thoroughly in love with the flight stand look. 

My favorite part of the ship is the cockpit. I think it is the most detailed part, the bomber-style window is crystal clear and very satisfying to peer through, and Mando sits perfectly at the controls.

Did you get a Razorcrest this week? Something else? Whatever collectible it is, please share some pictures with us in the comments below!

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