Clone Trooper Sergeant (#02) - Hasbro - The Black Series [Phase I] (2013)
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Toy Run Tuesday #131 - Lobot (Finally)

Hello Toy Runners! We are back today with the 131st TRT. I am still waiting on my preorder of the TVC Lobot figure from Hasbropulse (big surprise). Thankfully, a fellow collector on Facebook had one for a very reasonable price loose, and I snagged it quickly. Since the recent Gennedy Clone Wars figures have all arrived, things seem pretty quiet. What do you do during collecting lulls? Click here to add your thoughts.


Lobot is a fantastic figure. He has by far one of the best headsculpts on any modern figure in my opinion. With school and family trips, I haven’t had much time to do anything with my Star Wars collection these last few weeks. Right now I’m just waiting for all the next preorders to drop. I get bored way too easily (I’m a millennial, sue me), so instead of saving my money like a wise person should I have been buying new 1/64 die cast cars. Thankfully I have an end-goal for this small side-collection of cars. There are only 8-10 more that I really care to get, but some range upwards of $60. I full well admit that I am a fool parting easily with my money, but the little things in life sometimes are worth the satisfaction. What are you doing to feed your collecting needs in this lull right now between waves?

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