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Andor Makes Its Debut On Nielsen Streaming Charts. And It's Popular.

Nielsen have finally added Andor to their weekly streaming charts, which have a delay of about four weeks. And Andor has pretty good ratings, the series accumulated 624 million minutes in the US, according to Nielsen. It is the series with the lowest number of episodes in the charts. Nielsen does ignore people watching the series on PCs and a few other devices, but the numbers are still an accepted industry standard for popularity. How does Andor compare to the other Star Wars live action shows? Click through for a few more details!

The K-2 unit is not forcefully recruiting viewers

So how does Andor fare compared to the other Star Wars series (the ones we have numbers for, early Mandalorian numbers do not exist).

As mentioned, the first three Andor episodes dropped by Disney+ accumulated 624 million minutes.

Book of Boba Fett debuted with 389 million minutes, but with just one episode! If we look at the numbers for BOBF after three episodes (meaning, runtime for BOBF and Andor are comparable!) then we find that the series dropped to 467 million minutes.

So as of now, which may surprise some people, Andor is more popular and successful than Book of Boba Fett. Of course we need to see how the ratings for Andor will develop in the next few weeks. And Book of Boba Fett recovered once it turned into Mandalorian season 2.5. But at least the Andor pilot arc was received pretty well. And it’s also beating the She-Hulk competition from Marvel (which has dropped out of the top 10 charts mid season).

This makes Andor the most watched series on Disney+ by quite some margin.

When we compare things with Kenobi it looks very different though. Kenobi brought in a record 958 million minutes for its first three episodes (which was the first time Nielsen added the series).

But Kenobi is a major Star Wars character with huge appeal, Darth Vader is the most iconic villain in all of Star Wars. And Ewan McGregor has star power, so it’s no surprise really that Kenobi outperforms Andor by about 30%.

However, overall, Andor is doing pretty well, especially when you consider how different the show is. Very early reports that Andor may be the least popular Star Wars series yet, much less popular than Book of Boba Fett, are apparently untrue. But as always, we need to see how Andor will do in the next few weeks and if it can maintain its position in the charts. I will post further updates in the coming weeks!

And slightly offtopic but I feel it makes a statement about certain “fan” channels on YouTube… Amazon’s Rings of Power has very stable ratings, close to 1 billion minutes each week. The ratings this week are basically the same as the week before, with episode 5 being added today. Which makes it the most successful Amazon series. It seems people like the show and keep watching it. You would think it’s the most hated thing on this planet right now if all you do is watch videos about the series on YouTube. Disclaimer: I like the series a lot!

The full Nielsen Streaming Charts


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