As expected, today’s Livestream was a repeat of the panel presented at MCM London Comic Con. All mainline pre-orders launch on November 1 at 1 PM Eastern (The EU exclusive Admiral Ackbar will go up for pre-order on November 2 at 1 PM Eastern).
Click through for a recap breakdown of today’s reveals.

The Vintage Collection:
- Speeder Bike & Scout Trooper (Includes carded Scout Trooper (VC273)
- Paz Vizsla (Deluxe boxed)

Speeder Bike & Scout Trooper box
The bike is all new with engine details and the scout has new rocker ankles.

And out of the box

Paz Vizsla deluxe figure

And the jetpack with effects pieces
The Vintage Collection Repacks:
- Wooof (VC24)
- Kithaba (Skiff Guard) (VC56)
- Nikto (Skiff Guard) (VC99)
- Saelt-Marae (VC132)

The TVC repack wave
The Black Series:
- Bastila Shan
- Darth Malak
- Admiral Ackbar EU Convention Exclusive 40th Anniversary

Bastila Shan has a new torso and head, legs are reuse of course. But she still looks great.

Darth Malak is an all new figure for a change with removable mask and cloth cape

Kenner inspired Ackbar on the Kenner cardback
The Black Series Publishing Program:
- Scar Trooper Mic
- Doctor Aphra
- Mara Jade (Dark Force Rising)

All new jetpack and unique deco for Mic

Malibu Stacy comes with a new scarf and trenchcoat this time, the hat is old though, and it’s yet another reuse of Jaina Solo, like the original Aphra figure

Mara is yet another Jaina variant, but it’s just the legs. Mara comes with all new parts otherwise and she looks really nice
TVC Pipeline Reveals:
- Moff Jerjerrod
- Cad Bane
- Nien Nunb (Repack)

The TVC pipeline
TBS Pipeline Reveals
- Ahsoka Tano (Clone Wars 20th Anniversary)
- Magnaguard (Clone Wars 20th Anniversary)
- Clone Trooper (Clone Wars 20th Anniversary)
- Omega (The Bad Batch Season 2)

The TBS pipeline. S2 Omega means we’ll get the inevitable Bad Batch repaints probably