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Watch The All New Official The Bad Batch Season 2 Trailer

Lucasfilm just released the official season 2 trailer for The Bad Batch. The series returns on January 4th, before The Mandalorian is released in early March. The trailer features more of the same we saw in season 1, which means more Cid, more odd jobs, but there are also hints of bigger things like the involvement of Rex, Order 66 survivors and some dialogue snippets that hint at the clones slowly realizing that more needs to be done. Watch the trailer after the jump!

Rex needs the Bad Batch for a mission in season 2

And here is the trailer!

Do you like the trailer? Are your excited about season 2 of The Bad Batch? I am still not entirely sure how I can go back to things like The Bad Batch after Andor. Since both shows will ultimately be about the same thing, the early rebellion.

Also, I wonder what that Horizon Zero Dawn Tallneck is doing in Star Wars?

But still, there are several good moments in the trailer and it’s promising that the Bad Batch may eventually move on from doing odd jobs for Cid to doing more for Rex and the early rebellion, since, in my opinion, the odd jobs for Cid were the weakest aspects about season 1.

Will you watch the series when it returns in January?

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