Well everyone, I announced a few weeks ago that I would be ending regular Toy Run Tuesdays and this is it. I’ll still be around and may post the occasional article but my health and education are leading me in a different path for now and my time will be limited for collecting. Let’s do a final round up today! Did you get any new toys for Christmas? What is your favorite new collectible you got this year? Click here to add your comment.
My parents went to Disneyland this year and as a souvenir/Christmas present they gave me this amazing Dejarik set as well as the park Sabaac deck. My wife was kind enough to play it with me.
On another note, Krazy D Kustoms, which I’ve posted about before, got to me this incredible tower control set. I just need to paint it up and hook it up on my city!
Speaking of my diorama city – since they announced the new Endor bunker I am reassignment my 90’s bunker to be an imperial outpost in my city. I think it looks great here. The control tower is going to go under this to make a cohesive imperial outpost.
That’s all for me for now folks. My dark troopers are coming this week which I am super excited for (I’m getting 5!) If you want updates from me I’ll still be posting my occasional customs on Instagram. Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed over the last 3 years worth of TRT. You all have really kept me going!
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