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Review: The Bad Batch - The Crossing / Retrieval (S02E09&10) (Disney+ Animated Series)

In case you wonder why there was no Bad Batch review last week… it turns out The Crossing and Retrieval are a two-part episode, so I wanted to review both episodes at once, which, in my opinion, makes more sense than discussing each episode individually. And yes, it’s mostly back to normal procedure this time, with yet another fetch quest for Cid. But things are a bit different this time, since we get some actual messages in the episodes instead of just pointless action.

Omega is pretty angry and sad after Echo’s departure and lets everyone know about it. And she hasn’t even hit puberty yet. Meanhwile Cid has the Bad Batch play space miners and we get some wild west vibes with pretty vistas of a Space Grand Canyon. But throughout the course of the two episodes eveything turns into Oliver Twist in space… so there are quite a few things to talk about! Click here or on the banner to read my spoiler review for both episodes and let’s discuss the latest Bad Batch adventure!


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