As we enter the second half of season three of The Mandalorian it’s now obvious what the season endgame is. The plot moves forward a little bit and Bo-Katan finally gets a new mission, Din Djarin meanwhile is only along for the ride, rumors have it he has regular self help meetings with Boba Fett twice a week about playing the second fiddle on your own own show. But no, “The Pirate” was mostly fun, but it also once more underlines an essential issue that plagues all of Disney Lucasfilm Star Wars. The bad joke that is the New Republic. I think we need to talk about that.
Meanwhile The Bad Batch released its season (series?) finale. The final episodes didn’t turn out at all like you may have expected them to. Instead, everything ends on a bleak cliffhanger and we witness one major death (maybe, it’s Star Wars after all). Now we can only hope The Bad Batch will not end up on Bob Iger’s $3 billion chopping block, despite what must be high production costs and very low ratings. Anyway, the final three episodes (last week’s episode included) are well worth watching. I plan on reviewing all three final episodes later this week.
But for now let’s talk about the latest adventure of Bo-Katan in The Mandalorian. Read my spoiler review and let’s have a chat about what I think is the biggest sin in Disney Star Wars.
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