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How To Make A Proper Sequel And Have An Original Cast Reunion

Yes, it’s very much beating a dead horse at this point. But we are fast approaching the weekend and it’s time for some entertainment and fun debates about things that have been talked to death already! One can never talk enough about the sequels, right? Especially in light of the recently announced Rey movie, correct?

So let’s talk about the Star Wars sequels and whatever it was JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy and all the others involved believed would be a good idea for a sequel and an original cast reunion… and how to do it right! Click through for a short editorial, also, this contains spoilers for Picard season 3 currently on Paramount+. So beware!

Lucasfilm’s idea of a cast reunion and sequel

So we all know what Lucasfilm, and here JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy in particular, believed what would make for a perfect sequel and cast reunion that would make fans happy everywhere:

Han is a deadbeat dad who separated from his wife and went back to his old smuggling ways, only to get killed by his own son in an act of utter stupidity on Han’s part, Luke tried to kill his own nephew in his sleep and then retired to a remote island, abandoning everyone in need of his help, so he can drink alien cow milk, only to die from using the force too much eventually. And Leia… Leia was General Leia until her final breath, she just died “because”, not one iota of character development for her. R2-D2 was a prop and glorified slide projector. And C-3PO now had a red arm. For a while at least. Only Chewie was pretty much still Chewie.

So we all know what Lucasfilm thought a proper cast reunion and sequel has to be like… kill everyone in favor of the new kids, so they can take over as quickly as possible.

But then we also get this…

Now that’s what I call a sequel

A proper cast reunion of the entire original Star Trek The Next Generation cast (other than Wesley who still has to shut up), wrinkles, pot bellies and all, on a faithful recreation of the original Enterprise-D bridge set. And they are on one final big adventure where they only have to save all of Starfleet and the Federation from the Borg (yet again) with a restored Enterprise-D they recover from a space ship museum!

Now admittedly it took the people managing the Star Trek franchise only three seasons to figure out what fans might actually want from a show titled “Picard” that is, whether the folks running the franchise like it or not, that the series is considered a proper TNG sequel. But they DID learn eventually and they have pulled all the stops for the third (and final) season. The old crew gets to be the heroes one final time.

And the new kids? They are actually the enemies (against their own will), since they have all been borgified and the old guard has to save not just Starfleet, the Earth, the entire Federation, but also the Gen-Z generation from themselves!

Imagine how the sequels could have turned out if Lucasfilm had come up with a similar idea for the Star Wars sequels…

I hope JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy take note here and will feel very silly.

The current season of Picard is also the first new Star Trek series ever to make an appearance on the Nielsen Streaming Charts. Certainly not a coincidence.

But what do you think? And please, bash the sequels respectfully! And if you happen to love them, we have a self-help group, you will soon be attended to, your situation is dire but not without hope, this can be cured! So no worries! We also have a special ward for Rian Johnson lovers. Your case is somewhat more severe, but also not without hope, please watch “Knives Out” on loop until you are attended to! Thank you!

And yes, let’s just all have some good old fun!


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