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The Nielsen Streaming Charts For Ahsoka - Week 7

A little later than usual, because Hasbro stole the spotlight in the past few days with things like a repacked Finn for the Vintage Collection, here are the latest Nielsen streaming charts numbers! The penultimate Ahsoka episode was added in the last update. So how is the series doing? Ahsoka gained about one million views with its 7th episode! Click through for more!

A deleted dialogue from Ahsoka episode 7 (click to enlarge so you can read the dialogue)

A little reminder: in episode 7 Ahsoka finally arrived at the other galaxy via space whale. 300 trillion space mines waited for them and didn’t damage the ship at all. She then had an inconsequential duel with Baylan. Baylan had said goodybe to his apprentice Shin before just “because”. Shin and the ragtag not Tuskens then failed to kill Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra and she ran away.

But let’s get straight to the numbers!

Ahsoka: 572 million minutes, ep. 7 length 42:58 = 13.31 million views
Andor: 385 million minutes, ep. 8 length 53:15 = 7.23 million views
The Book of Boba Fett: 776 million minutes, ep. 6 length 45:52 = 16.92 million views
The Mandalorian S3: 1,031 million minutes, ep. 6 length 44:14 = 23.31 million views

So what can we say? Reports which say that Ahsoka was shedding viewers as the season progressed are apparently very wrong. At this point in time, with only one more episode to go, it is also extremely unlikely that Samba TVs numbers, which claimed the Ahsoka finale only had about 60% or so of the premiere viewership, are true. It is extremely unlikely that we will see a massive drop in viewership for next week, in fact, I would assume the finale will have even somewhat better numbers.
Maybe Samba TV’s sample is just too skewed, too biased, you do need to have a smart tv with both Disney+ and Samba TV for them to gather your data. Nielsen is still considered to be more of an industry standard, even though their exact methodology is also mostly a black box and even though Nielsen do not track PC and mobile users. But there are reasons to trust Nielsen’s numbers much more than Samba TV’s.

In fact, Ahsoka has gained almost one million views compared to last week. With these numbers Ahsoka is leaving Andor far behind, with almost double the views (Andor hit an absolute low point with the Narkina prison arc and even dropped out of the charts with the next episode, but recovered in the final stretches of the season), but at the same time it is also outperformed by everything else. The Luke Skywalker episode in The Book of Boba Fett had almost four million more views, the Jack Black and Lizzo episode we got in The Mandalorian season 3 even had ten million more views.

So what I said previously still applies to the latest Nielsen update: Ahsoka is doing “ok”, but certainly far from great or excellent. But it’s absolutely neither a disaster nor a flop. It’s a very solid performance, good even, just not great or fantastic. With these numbers Ahsoka is #4 on the original series charts and #13 overall.

The question remains if a series that only gets 57% of The Mandalorian’s numbers is anything that inspires faith and confidence in any upcoming big Mandoverse movie, when the series that sets things in motion barely reaches half of the potential Star Wars audience on Disney+. My verdict remains: it’s probably a very bad idea to go theatrical with an event Mandoverse movie, turn it into either a Disney+ movie or a very limited special event series. Also, don’t let Dave Filoni write the script.

What else: Elemental proves to be much more popular than The Little Mermaid on Disney+ with a much better hold. The Little Mermaid dropped like a stone and has now, as expected, completely disappeared off the charts and more people actually watched the evergreen Moana, and Elemental is still clinging to the #1 position on the movie charts.

But other than that there is little reason for Disney+ to rejoice, because other than Ahsoka, Bluey, Moana and Elemental they have nothing on the charts, which are, of course, dominated by Netflix, which has 19 entries, four of which are shared content with other streaming services. Netflix, incidentally, also had one banger of a quarter with massive growth. Disney’s numbers will follow soon, it will be interesting to see how many, if at all, subscribers Disney+ added. But worldwide Netflix now has about 100 million more subscribers than Disney+. And newcomers like Peacock or Paramount+ are bleeding money, just like Disney+. It will be interesting to see how much longer the Hollywood studios will try to stand alone against Netflix and how much more money they will sink into their rather foolish endeavours. And with various streamers now introducing more and more ads (because subscription fees do not even remotely cover the immense costs) streaming could easily become “cable tv 2.0” and people who initially switched to streaming services to escape all the ads may instead hoist the pirate flag again. We will see.

The Nielsen Streaming Charts

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