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Dave Filoni Promoted To Chief Creative Officer At Lucasfilm

Dave Filoni is further climbing up the ranks at Lucasfilm. Today it was announced that he has been promoted to Chief Creative Officer. What that means is that from now on Dave Filoni will no longer be a mere advisor who is maybe brought on when a project has already been in development for a while, Filoni will now work much closer together with Kathleen Kennedy and he will be involved with all upcoming projects already at the inception phase and thus have a direct impact on the early development of new projects. Click through for more!

Dave Filoni with mandatory cowboy hat at Star Wars Celebration 2023

Of his new role Filoni says that he will not “tell people what to do”, but that he will try to help them tell the “best story possible”. In his new function Filoni seems to perform a similar role as Michelle Rejwan, when she was still Senior Vice President of Live Action Development and Production at Lucasfilm, before she stepped down from her post to become a mere producer again.

Filoni will now work directly alongside Kathleen Kennedy and Carrie Beck and coordinate with them. Now the big question is if Disney is building up Filoni to eventually take over from Kathleen Kennedy altogether, he has certainly climbed up the corporate ladder at Lucasfilm quite a bit since his Clone Wars and Rebels days. That leaves the question open what Jon Favreau’s role will be going forward, he said he is working on The Mandalorian season 4, but it seems he will not be involved in top level decisions at Lucasfilm, at least not officially.

How do you feel about Dave Filoni getting more involved in the pre-production and development process? His first own live action series, Ahsoka, had ok ratings on Disney+, but opinions about his scripts he wrote for the show are divided, with some thinking he also adopted several of George Lucas’ bad traits, like writing horrible dialogue.

But one thing can be said about Dave Filoni: he knows Star Wars and understands Star Wars like few other people (especially at Lucasfilm) and he’s also someone who comes up with good ideas. Now he only needs to learn one thing:  to let go of his waifu Ahsoka.


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