You have probably heard the story… years ago Zack Snyder approached Lucasfilm and pitched his idea for a Star Wars movie. But Kathleen Kennedy turned him down. So Snyder eventually transformed his Star Wars pitch into Rebel Moon on Netflix. To say the movie has been trashed by both critics and viewers is an understatement… but what would it have really been like if Zack Snyder had made a Star Wars movie? Well, YouTube channel Auralnauts just released a video the other day that answers this important question! They released Zack Snyder’s Star Wars – A New Hope. An 11 minute video reimagining the iconic 1977 movie into a Zack Snyder version. You have to see it to believe it. Click through for more!
You can go to the Auralnauts channel on Youtube to watch the video (they have plenty of Star Wars related parodies), or watch the embedded video here:
While being laugh out funny the parody also is a pretty smart commentary on the power of editing and music. Marcia Lucas famously reedited parts of the movie and also made other suggestions about the structure that helpled streamline George’s vision and made it a much better movie than it otherwise would have been. But someone who is all style over substance and has bad taste could easily ruin even the best of movies.
While Auralnauts used all the Snyder trademarks for comedic effect, the excessive slowmos, the over the top super dramatic music, lens flares, the super lazy writing with insane exposition dumps, because you think your audience is stupid, it’s still all too common not just in his works.
A New Hope feels so different just through the power of editing and the new bombastic current era Hollywood music really emphasizes how much of a contribution John Williams made to Star Wars with his iconic score. While it’s easy to make bad content, it’s something else to make something bad on purpose while still being funny. Hats off to Auralnauts for capturing the essence of Zack Snyder in their video! And for showing us how powerful and important editing and music are.
Also: Auralnauts once more prove how lucky we are that Kennedy turned down Zack Snyder all those years ago.
And if you are a big Zack Snyder fan… I hope you can still find the video funny.
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