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Weekend Fun: The New Daisy Ridley Movie

Now this has nothing to do with Star Wars – or at least only very, very remotely. But since Kathleen Kennedy still thinks she can make a Rey Palpatine movie about some New Jedi Order with mega blockbuster superstar Daisy Ridley many people will certainly watch with great interest how Daisy Ridley’s upcoming action movie will do – in which she plays Girlboss McClane in a movie that is a blatant Die Hard ripoff. And no, this is no joke! Someone actually made a movie with Daisy as a female John McClane who has to stop a terrorist attack in a skyscraper and then gave it a different title hoping a few people at least may not notice the copy/paste job. Click through for more!

Clean Harder!

I have to be honest, when I learned about that movie today (the trailer has been out for about a week now) I thought this is some skit or parody… but, no, they are apparently serious.

They cast Daisy Ridley as Girlboss McClane in a not even thinly veiled remake of Die Hard, only this time it’s set in London, and Daisy is not some police officer, but an ex soldier (!) turned window cleaner (now this is some believable casting, Daisy as a British ex soldier turned window cleaner… whatevah)… but everything else is basically the same (literally). The terrorist is also still played by some British guy of course (Clive Owen), just watch the trailer, it’s literally Die Hard. Only they call it “Cleaner” now, because, Daisy is a window cleaner in this…

Now I wonder what Disney / Lucasfilm will say when Daisy’s renewed attempt to make it as a lead actress outside of Star Wars will flop as well. Daisy tried to be a mainstream actress outside of Star Wars a few times: in the remake of Murder on the Orient Express which did ok, but she was not the lead in this and it was an ensemble movie. Next movie was the ill-fated Chaos Walking where she was the female lead alongside Tom Holland and the movie flopped epically. After that she made several indie/low budget/arthouse movies that completely flew under the radar of most people… and Clean Hard, I mean “Cleaner” is now the first non Star Wars movie really where Daisy is the sole lead and an action heroine too. What could possibly go wrong?

If you want to experience first hand how creatively bankrupt the western movie industry is and why they deserve all their flops… watch the trailer here. And remember, someone decided to spend money (fortunately, not all too much, the movie reportedly has a budget of about 25 million USD – or 1/10 The Acolyte) on this. For whatever reason. I do wonder though if Disney will panic if (when) this movie flops or gets torn apart online by audience reviews. The movie will be released in February 2025, in the UK it won’t even be shown in cinemas apparently, but on Sky as a streaming movie, but it seems as if the movie may see a theatrical release in the US.

Will you watch that movie? I actually may watch it just to have a good laugh. This may be in the “so bad it’s good category”. Maybe. Poor Daisy… she really needs a better agent who picks better roles and better movies for her. Ex soldier who is a window cleaner now and single handedly stops a terrorist attack? And they picked Daisy for that role of all people and Daisy herself said “yup, that’s something I want to play!” REALLY? This is like casting late 1980s Meg Ryan in Die Hard instead of Bruce Willis. Then again, Daisy is an adult.. she could always say “no”. I guess she needs the money. Don’t we all. But really now… Daisy should know what roles she can and should play… and what roles are not for her.

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