Mr. Evans, good morning, we hope you enjoy your Froot Loops breakfast today. As you indulge, please click through for an urgent request.
PLEASE do anything you can to MAKE AN EXECUTIVE DECISION and include Salacious Crumb (VC66) and Mouse Droid (VC67) as surprise pack-ins for the HasLab Jabba’s Sail Barge. And please announce this with enough lead time to make a difference (5 days should do it).
The Revenge Of The Jedi Death Star II San Diego Comic Con exclusive goes for over $1000 on eBay now which is unaffordable for almost all in the Star Wars collecting community. These two figures are MAJOR PAINS and HOLES IN THE COLLECTION for The Vintage Collection collectors.
Not only will the inclusion of these two figures allow The Vintage Collection collectors to complete their collections, but it will also put an extra skip in their step and show that Hasbro cares about them by generously offering these desperately wanted figures. We imagine the production costs of these two tiny “accessories as figures” will cost you next to nothing to produce either.
Most importantly, you can keep current collectors who already own these figures happy and the figures exclusive by changing the logo from Revenge Of The Jedi to Return Of The Jedi for the Jabba’s Sail Barge pack-ins (just like you’re doing for Yak Face). Heck, put them on full-sized cards if you want.
If the inclusion of these two figures does not get Jabba’s Sail Barge to 5,000 backers, then nothing will, and our collecting community has spoken. So, let’s do everything possible to make this first HasLab campaign a success for all. I truly believe this will push the numbers over the edge.
If not, I permit you to publicly humiliate me in front of everyone at the next Hasbro/media gathering. Thank you in advance for your consideration (and action). 🙂
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