The Solo marketing engine is running at full speed! Lucasfilm has released the second new TV trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story in mere days! Check it out and see what’s new in the trailer!
Update: Screenshots from the trailer added! Click through for more!
The last screenshot is very blurry, but when seen in motion it’s very obvious that the scene with Dryden Vos and his energy blade we had seen before, actually shows him fighting Han Solo, who evades the blow just a split second later. Dryden Vos is most certainly the main villian inĀ the movie and is supposed to be the one who orders the train heist. He’s the big shot gangster Tobias Beckett talks about in the trailer.
So, how did you like the second TV trailer? This time the focus is more on the rest of the crew, rather than Han and Chewie.
Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer
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