According to Kotaku EA just cancelled its single player open world Star Wars game which was in development at EA Vancouver since late 2017. EA had cancelled a previous iteration of a single player Star Wars game before when Visceral Games was closed. This is the second time now a single player (and open world) Star Wars game is nixed by EA.
EA went on record previously that they don’t really like open world (single player) games and prefer games as a service (i.e. Battlefront II that encourages you to pay a lot of money on top of what you pay for the initial game). So it seems that Star Wars will have to wait much, much longer before fans can have their Star Wars version of Red Dead Redemption 2, Spider-Man or God of War. Open world single player games that did incredibly well in 2018 and broke several records.
Jedi: Fallen Order is still in development though and is supposed to be a single player game. But probably not open world and much more linear. Not much is known about the project.
My comment is that I wish Disney would give the Star Wars games license to any other publisher. What do you think about all this? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
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