The BBC asked an intriguing question a couple of days ago. Are Star Wars toys holding their value? The article initially focuses on vintage toys, but then attempts to apply similar logic with the modern toys. And in all honesty, they’re two separate entities as we all know. But more interesting, is that it focuses on toys from The Force Awakens through now to argue some points (skipping right over the greatest stuff Hasbro ever produced that is feverishly sought after, even today, by collectors everywhere). If you’re a longtime collector, you know that most toys from the “Golden Age of Collecting” (circa 2006-2013) offers some of the GREATEST products Hasbro’s ever produced for collectors. And if you spot check these items on eBay, you’ll find that MANY go for incredible amounts of money (and prices keep riding up, especially those products from the original run of The Vintage Collection). (more….)
Articles like this are fun, but if they haven’t lived the collecting experience continuously for as long as we have, you can’t provide wholly accurate analysis on the topic at hand. I’d wager that in three decades from now 70-80 years old will still be trying to add Shae Vizla into their collections, but I am rather certain that next to no one will be trying to add 2015 The Force Awakens figures to them.
Either way, check out the article. It ponders MANY things about the hobby, references analyses from people smarter than me, and continues to ask where collecting will be years from now.
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