I know at best this will be an unscientific and anecdotal gathering of information, but I would like to see what collectors’ tastes are when it comes to how they collect Star Wars figures, focusing on one area of collecting. In the comments, please let us know what you obtain from the Star Wars Hasbro brand. (Don’t be ashamed of anything you buy! Please list it. Be a proud collector, no matter what it is! We’ll deal with any hecklers.) Then next to each type of figure or product focus, please put if you are an opener, both an opener and a loose collector, or strictly a loose collector as well as your area of focus. (more….)
For ease of data gathering, please only use these product markers:
3.75″ super-articulated (SA)
3.75″ 5POA
All 3.75″ action figures any type
6″ The Black Series
Hasbro Star Wars Vehicles
Hasbro Star Wars Playsets (and Other Exclusives)
Hasbro Star Wars Role-Play
Hasbro Star Wars All Other Lines
For example, I would be a 3.75″ super-articulated loose collector, and my comment would look like this:
3.75″ super-articulated figures — loose. (PT and OT and everything TVC)
Additionally, if you have a specific era of collecting that you stick to, we’d love to know that too. Please adhere to these markers:
Pre-Disney Star Wars EU
Disney Star Wars Canon
All Star Wars (Pre-Disney Star Wars + Disney Star Wars)
Thanks, and I will try to get Thomas to do charts and graphs with the compiled data. The more people that contribute, the better the data will be. Please do your best to refrain from generally commenting on people’s post. It will help keep the data as clean as possible. Thank you!
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