JTA reader Lewis found the brand new exclusive Black Series Rise of Skywalker C-3PO & Babu Frik action figure at his local Target on Friday. And the brand new figure is already discounted, you can grab it for $17.99. And if you text “TOY” (without quotation marks) to 827438 you will receive a 25% off coupon for any toy or children’s book.
The figure is also available in other parts of the world already, I bought the figure today, from my local German etailer and I will get it shipped next week. But of course it was much more than $17.99. I had to pay about $43…. we love exclusives in Europe! Anyway, if you want C-3PO and the tiny, tiny Babu Frik figure now is probably a good time to go to your local Target! Thanks to Lewis for the alert and the photo!

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