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Colin Trevorrow Asked Rian Johnson To Shoot An Extra Scene

Seems as though Colin Trevorrow followed in Rian Johnson’s footsteps and asked for a small favor of the current Star Wars director. Just as Rian Johnson asked J.J. Abrams to have R2-D2 go with Rey to Ach-To and leave BB-8 behind, Colin Trevorrow asked Johnson for a similar favor. Click through to find out more.


Colin Trevorrow recently spoke with with MTV’s Happy Sad Confused Podcast and during the interview he explained the situation in which he asked Rian Johnson to make one small inclusion to help his Episode IX.

When MTV asked Trevorrow if he had done something similar to Rian Johnson’s R2 favor from The Force Awakens he explained:

There was one little thing. It wasn’t an adjustment, it was just “Could you shoot this one extra thing while you’re in this place on this day?” And he did, which was great. But, y’know, it’s part of the collaborative process that exists – everyone is in communication. There’s such a genuine want to get this right from everybody, and I think that one of the misconceptions is that there’s some kind of great corporate overlord that is dictating this story to everybody, and that’s what it’s going to be because that’s going to sell the most toys. The reality of it is that it’s a small group of people, but it’s actually, y’know, kind of large when you think about it – and none of them are corporate, all of them are creatives and all of them are genuinely, very sincerely, wanting to do the work of their lives in order to realize this.     -Colin Trevorrow

While I think it’s great that Trevorrow is thinking ahead and getting some things done, the rest of his response sort of mimics Kathleen Kennedy’s words on how this Sequel Trilogy hasn’t been planned out. He doesn’t directly say that, in fact, he says only that the story isn’t being dictated by “some kind of great corporate overlord”. However, most of you have read or listened to the interviews where Kathleen Kennedy said that this Trilogy had not been planned out ahead of time. And while I think it is great that each director is able to take the story and make it their own, I still feel like the overall story would’ve benefited more from some cohesive story plan from the start. You can still make it your own by having an idea of where it’s going.

Yes, yes…I know. Empire was re-written etc. etc. Leia wasn’t Lukes sister and Vader wasn’t his father and that brought about such a great movie.  Agree or disagree, but this is a different circumstance and with three VERY different directors basically writing down a piece of a story and passing it along for the next one to add to may come with some poor plot points and some unanswered questions.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you like that the Sequel Trilogy had no structure or plan from the start and they’re all just “winging it”? Or would yuo have preferred they had some sort of story line to follow. I’m still personally worried about Trevorrow directing Episode IX, but we still have The Last Jedi to worry about.

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