OK, I am angry* about two things this morning. And you wouldn’t like me when I am angry*. Firstly, I am angry* at my supposed friend Chris S. for alerting me to the horrific news that the HasLab Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) is now heading in the reverse direction for backers. (We lost everyone yesterday who backed and then some.) And I am angry* at Hasbro that they cannot make this thing with the backers who already signed up. It’s a sad turn of events when a vehicle of this magnitude cannot be produced for nearly 1.2 million dollars. I don’t know what to say, folks, I think it’s time to stick a fork in this.
*Subtweeters: I am not angry. (Readers: You have to explain things to them. Otherwise, they think you’re serious.)
**Headline is inspired by Seinfeld.
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