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October 2005

Visual Guide Update � Force Battlers
[Pete | 10/31/05]

     The final wave of the 2005 Force Battlers has been added to the Young Kids Visual Guides today. This time you can have Emperor Palpatine and Yoda square off as you recreate the 2nd best duel from Revenge of the Sith! Take a closer look by clicking the images below!


Customs Corner Update
[Pete | 10/31/05]

     What better way to celebrate Halloween than to present another Star Wars's kind of like a figure in disguise! James Montague sent in his latest work, Jedi Master Laib Ganora to share...check it out by clicking below. Have customs to share? Send them in to and join the fun!

Star Wars Action News Podcast
[Pete | 10/31/05]

     Star Wars Action News Podcast's 10th Episode is up and ready to listen to! The 10th episode of Star Wars Action News has been posted, two hours early! This episode is so important it had to be released early, because if you listen Tuesday you've already missed the boat! Which stores are giving you stuff for FREE? Which stores have the hard to find exclusives which will have you kicking yourself for missing? Which stores are having costume contests and parties? Head on over to and get all the answers that you are looking for!

Welcome Death Star Plans 2
[Pete | 10/30/05]

     We'd like to welcome Death Star Plans 2 as the newest addition to the JTA Affiliates family. They've got a great site and have a ton of fun so stop by and check it out. Don't forget to check out their Talk Show and keep an eye out for a very special edition coming soon!

Visual Guide Update – POTF2
[Chuck | 10/30/05]

     Closing in on the last few cinema scenes, the Mynock Hunt features some not so new sculps, although there are minimal differences from their original sculps. Even with the figures being near resculps from their basic carded counterparts, this is one cool scene! Complete with breath masks and a mynock (beastie thing!), this scene does a good job recapturing the moment. Also of note, this is the only cinema scene from The Empire Strikes Back. Click on over to the POTF2 guide to check out the rest of the cinema scenes, and click below to see the details of this one.


Visual Guide Update � ROTS
[Pete | 10/29/05]

     The final Battle Pack of the year has been added to the ROTS Visual Guides today. The Imperial Throne Room sports Emperor Palpatine with Imperial Dignitary Janus Greejatus and a Stormtrooper and 2 Royal Guards added in for tier protection. Take a closer look at the Battle Pack by clicking below.



DVD 3-packs at Wal*Mart
[Pete | 10/29/05]

     Wal*Mart has made the DVD 3-packs available on line so you do not need to go running around for store to store to pick them up...especially those clones! Click here to head on over to Wal* to order yours now!

Huge Sale at Master Replicas
[Pete | 10/29/05]

     Master Replicas will be holding a DEV Release Party on November 1 starting at 9 am Pacific Time and you are all invited! They'll be holding a grand sale all day to celebrate the release of the DVD. If you would you like to know what will be on sale you're just going to have to show up at the party. Mark those calendars now!

Star Wars Themed Internet Browser
[Pete | 10/29/05]

     Our affiliate Star Wars Trader NZ has been hard at work creating a Star Wars themed internet browser...Able to store all your collection data efficiently including prices, images and notes, its set up to browse your favorite sites all at the click of one button. Its seven window design allows for multiple searches including your own personal toy data and lets you find results from across the net using various popular search engines. Comes with seven pre-designed themes and sound effects to set the environment while surfing the net and is built in such a way to be fast and light on its heels...Check it out right here!

Sideshow Premium Format Princess Leia
[Pete | 10/29/05]

     Princess Liea has made the Sideshow Collectibles premium format line. Check ut a sneak preview of her right here.

Visual Guide Update – POTF2
[Chuck | 10/28/05]

     Another cool cinema scene is added today, this time featuring 3 newly sculpted cantina aliens. Hop on over to the POTF2 guide to check out the near complete cinema scene section, and check out the new additions below.


Toy Fellas Going Out of Business Sale
[Pete | 10/28/05]

     Hello from I'm closing my online doors for good and to by doing so I have the following discount for all you collectors & parents.

  • 20% off ALL orders, ANY order total!
  • 30% off all orders $50.00 or more!
  • Finally 50% off all orders $100.00 or more!
         NEW IN STOCK - Street Fighter Series 3 just $12.00 each! We have so many items for you to shop from and with these discounts you can't beat the deals!

  • You Buy Now! Weekly Update
    [Pete | 10/28/05]

         In addition to a exciting new contest, they received a lot of great new stuff this week. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Brian at Check out the full update right here for all of this week's news.
         New Arrivals This Week

  • Lord of the Rings Elrond Minimate
  • Microman Batman Samurai Warrior

  • Exclusive Battle Damaged Clone Bust-Ups!
    [Pete | 10/28/05]

         The Star Wars Shop now has the exclusive Battle Damaged Clone Trooper bust-up 4-pack available to everyone. Head on over and stat building those clone armies today!

    ROTS DVD Found in Mexico
    [Pete | 10/28/05]

         Vicman Fett writes in to let us know that he has already scored the Revenge of the Sith DVD at his local Wal*Mart in Mexico City. While we can only check out the images of his super score the lucky guy get to watch it over and over!


    More 2006 Rumors
    [Pete | 10/28/05]

         The infamous Swami has shown up over at Galactic Hunter again, this time with more predictions for 2006. Click here to listen to what the Swami has to say.

    Holographic Emperor Available
    [Pete | 10/27/05]

         The Holographic Emperor is now up for sale at for $9.99 a figure...head on over and pick up one to open and one to keep carded for your exclusives wall now before they all disappear.

    Visual Guide Update � ROTS
    [Pete | 10/27/05]

         The KB Toys Exclusive Collector Pack was not so exclusive since it includes 8 figures that were carded and on the pegs at the same time this set was released and a Silver Darth Vader that you could find in TRU just about a year ago, but you'll find it in our ROTS Visual Guides just where it below to see the full lineup of figures in this multi-pack.

    Customs Corner Update
    [Pete | 10/27/05]

         Today's Customs Corner update come from Armhel Morales in Mexico city as he shares his Ewok Hunter with us...poor Ewoks, cool custom! If you'd like to share one of your customs with us just drop us an e-mail at


    Kotobukiya Shock Trooper
    [Pete | 10/27/05]

         Hyperspace Japan has some great images of the up and coming limited edition Kotobukiya Shock Trooper up for your viewing pleasure. Click here to grab a peak at this fantastic piece


    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/26/05]

         Luke, Han, and Chewbacca are featured in the next POTF2 cinema scene update. Decked out in their Stormtrooper armor, they are seen escorting a chained Chewbacca to the detention block. Check out this cool cinema scene by clicking below.


    Hasbro Update
    [Pete | 10/25/05]

         Hasbro has updated today with news of the Star Wars Customs and 2006 Force Battlers. Click below for more information.


    Master Replicas Pre-Toy Fair Images
    [Pete | 10/25/05]

         Our good pals over at Rebel Scum have some really cool images coming out of master Replicas pre-Toy Fair event. Can you say, scaled blasters, Jedi Costumes and more? Click right here to read and see all the goodies.

    Visual Guide Update � Force Battlers
    [Pete | 10/25/05]

         The third wave of Force Battlers has been added to the Young Kids Visual Guides today...Luke Skywalker, Han Solo in his Stormtrooper Disguise and Darth Vader (with wings?) are sure to be three characters that will get any new Star Wars fan into the Original Trilogy! Click below to take a closer look!


    Star Wars Action News Podcast
    [Pete | 10/25/05]

         Star Wars Action News Podcast's 9th Episode is up and ready to listen to! They slam K-Mart, and Target targets collectors, not in a good way, discuss the various Hasbro offerings now showing up in the local stores, including the new larger scale Titanium ships and take a look at our first Code 3 Vehicle, the X-Wing. They also analyze some of the Star Wars web site's Hyperspace exclusive content. And...they wrap it up with a note which should get you in the Christmas spirit. So, head on over to and take it for a won't be disappointed!

    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/24/05]

         The next POTF2 cinema scene to be added is the scantily clad and very colorful Jabba's Dancers. Featuring 3 all new sculps, a rarity in todays multi-packs, these girls have all the moves with none of the poseability! They do make great background characters in a Jabba's Palace diorama though. Click below to check them out!


    Visual Guide Update � LEGO
    [Pete | 10/23/05]

         Revenge of the Sith had many vehicles that were visual connectors to the Original Trilogy...the CLone Scout Walker was one of them as a predecessor to the AT-ST. Take a closer look at this cool vehicle in the ROTS section of the LEGO Visual Guides or just click the image below!

    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/20/05]

         The climactic duel between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker is depicted in todays POTF2 update. While not very poseable, this cinema scene is an awesome display piece, showing the Emperor watching as the battle unfolds in front of him.


    Affiliate Update – ACPin
    [Chuck | 10/22/05]

         Our friends over at ACPin have sent word of 2 of their carbon freezing dioramas: One lego, and one Hasbro. The Hasbro playset is one of their older customs, but well worth another look. Why bring this one back? Because Halloween is the best time to pick up the orange lights needed for these customs! Click the thumbnails below to check out these well done displays!


    Visual Guide Update � LEGO
    [Pete | 10/21/05]

         Relive the long awaited duel between master and apprentice in the LEGO Ultimate Lightsaber Duel building set. Complete with falling lava, break away structures and lightsabers that actually light up this is one cool set! Check it out in the ROTS section of the LEGO Visual Guides. or by clicking the image below!

    Hasbro - Unleashed and Heroes
    [Joris | 10/20/05]

         Hasbro has given us a double update today with carded and loose images of both the first wave of the upcoming Unleashed Battle Packs and a new peek of the Galactic Heroes due out in 2006 which are some nice upgrades from the 2002 line.


    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/20/05]

         The next phase of our POTF2 updates will focus on multipacks. The Cinema Scenes were some of the cooler early multipacks produced, so that is where we will get started! First up...the fateful cantina showdown:


    New Poll
    [Pete | 10/20/05]

         The information about the 2006 Saga Collection line is starting to flow pretty good these days with all sorts of images and rumor lists...that means it is time for a new poll! What do you think of the 2006 Saga Collection with what you have seen so far? Let us now by casting your vote today!

    You Buy Now! Weekly Update
    [Pete | 10/20/05]

         Another great week at We were just approved as a retailer for United Cutlery and will be carrying their line of superb Lord of the Rings replicas.Check out the full update right here for all of this week's news.
         New Arrivals This Week

  • Master Replicas Scaled Sabers for Yoda, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader Episode III & Episode IV
  • Kotobukiya Star Wars Sandtrooper Statue
  • Star Wars Clone Wars General Grievous Maquette
  • Star Wars Kenner Landspeeder

  • R2D Toys News
    [Pete | 10/19/05]

         Starting today for 7 days only we are offering you a 20% discount on Hasbro Episode 3 products (not including Exclusives or Deal of the Month). Our Deal of the Week has gone CRAZY and instead of offering you 1 item at a great price, we are offering you over 200! To make the offer even sweeter, any order over �100 after discount will get free global shipping! So head on over to R2D Toys today!

    Andrews Toyz Update!
    [Pete | 10/19/05]

         AndrewsToyz has a bunch of fantastic new stuff in stock that just cant be missed. From Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter, to Clone Attack on Coruscant Battle Pack and the way cool Code 3 Exclusive Revenge of the Sith sculpted movie poster AndrewsToyz has it all, so stop by and pick up these great items while they last!

    Exclusive Battle Damaged Clone Bust-Ups!
    [Joris | 10/19/05]

         The Star Wars Shop has an exclusive Battle Damaged Clone Trooper bust-up 4-pack! It includes all the clones from the standard Clone Trooper 4-pack only as if they just returned from the battlefield. This product is available exclusively to Hyperspace members for a limited time of 1-week, ending October 25, 2005 so order now!

    Star Wars Experience - FACTS 2005
    [Joris | 10/19/05]

         Kentucky was not the only place where Star Wars was happening this past weekend...over in Ghent, Belgium the 15th annual FACTS Convention took place and Star Wars was front and center! Scores of vendors selling tons of Star Wars collectibles, actors in the house signing autographs and chatting away and some real awesome full sized dioramas are only the beginning...Click here to get the full report on FACTS!


    Saga Collection Rumor List
    [Pete | 10/19/05]

         Our good buddies over at Rebel Scum have posted a nice juicy list of items we can expect in 2006. Collectors, this looks like a year that will make you very happy! Check it out right here!

    Visual Guide Update � Titanium
    [Pete | 10/19/05]

         The Titanium Visual Guide has five new entries today with the addition of the 3rd wave of vehicles. The set includes a Naboo Starfighter, TIE Bomber, Landspeeder, ARC-170 and my favorite, the Swamp Speeder! Check out all the images below!



    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/18/05]

         Mission accomplished! All basic figures in our POTF2 guide are now added to the JTA visual guides! The last 3 are from the SOTE line of figures. Click below to check them out, and check out our POTF2 guide for all of your basic figure needs. And, keep checking back because we will continue with more POTF2 updates from the rest of the line through the rest of the year! Don't worry though, we will also be bringing you all of the latest toys and collectibles too!


    JTA October Contest
    [Pete | 10/18/05]

         Don't forget that our October contest for a Boba Fett autograph signed by Jeremy Bulloch himself at Celebration III is well under way and to join in on the fun all you need to do is send in an e-mail with the subject "JTA October Contest" and your full name and you'll be entered into the random draw for the autograph!
         Don't forget to check out the Contests Page to find out how you can get a whole bunch of bonus entries!

    Saga Collection Hoth Wave!
    [Pete | 10/18/05]

         Entertainment Earth has up images of the Hoth Wave in the new Saga Collection line. The wave includes General Veers, Major Bren Derlin, AT-AT Driver, R2-D2, Snowtrooper, General Rieekan, Darth Vader and a Power Droid. Check it out right here.

    Clone Wars DVD Figure Collections
    [Pete | 10/18/05]

         The Official Site has updated with images of the carded and loose figures from the new Clone Wars DVD Figure Collections. The 3-packs will be available at Wal*Mart on December 1st.


    Star Wars Experience - KSWCC Fall Festival
    [Mike H. | 10/17/05]

         What's the best thing about being a Star Wars collector? What's the best experience that you could have being a passionate fan of something like Star Wars? Find out the answers in the Star Wars Experience report from the KSWCC 2005 Fall Festival where this years event was as fun as they come!


    Visual Guide Update � ROTS Exclusives
    [Pete | 10/17/05]

         Yep...there are still more Revenge of the Sith exclusives coming our way and today the latest Holographic Emperor has been added to the ROTS Visual Guide. This version is based on figure #12 and comes with all of the accessories of the original. Check him out below!


    Star Wars Clone Trooper Bust-Ups 4-Pack
    [Pete | 10/17/05]
 has the Star Wars Clone Trooper Bust-Ups 4-Pack up for preoder right now! Head on over and start building your Clone army today!

    Star Wars Action News Podcast
    [Pete | 10/17/05]

         Star Wars Action News Podcast's 7th Episode is up and ready to listen to! This week they take a look at their Utapau Shadow trooper hunt, listeners (and their) favorite Star Wars items, and more, including a contest for a Master Replicas scaled can only find out the details by listening to their show! So, head on over to and take it for a won't be disappointed!

    Now This is a Holiday Vader...
    [Pete | 10/17/05]

         We stumbled across this eBay auction for a very nice Holiday Darth Vader that'll make you all wish this is what you'd get from the Hasbro in the beginning of December! He is articulated and even comes with a removable candy cane and gift! Check it out by clicking the image below! Newsletter #328
    [Pete | 10/17/05]
 weekly newsletter is out and full of great stuff in stock including Yoda ESB Mini Bust for $49.99! Sandtrooper Mini-Bust for $59.99! Six new Saga 2 figures available for Pre-Order from $9.99 - $14.99. Read the entire news letter right here

    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/16/05]

         More POTF2 updates today, this time we bring to a close the basic line of figures, through wave 25! You can now check out all of your favorite figures from the line that revived Star Wars! The last 2 figures to be added are C-3PO (with Removable Limbs) and Ponda Baba. Enjoy!


    Affiliate Update – StarconstruX
    [Chuck | 10/16/05]

         German customs site StarconstruX sends word of their latest creations:

    You will find at least 15 new custom figures from Harald Flügge, for example: Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, Imperial Officer, Imperial Gunner, Luke Skywalker Hoth-flight-gear, and a lot of characters from the Outer Rim. "Making of" pictures of the "Birth of Darth Vader" diorama from Markus Gerlach and new pictures from the StarconstruX-Headquaters in Mönchengladbach. Also the "Comparison" category is now updated and all compareable figures/pictures are online. Here you can find the comparison of the original with the customized figure.

    Click any of the pictures below to go to the StarconstruX website, where you will find many more well done customs!



    Visual Guide Update � Taters!
    [Pete | 10/15/05]

         What collection would be considered complete without a few small fries added to the bunch? Well, today the Darth Tater and Spud Trooper have been added to the miscellaneous section of the ROTS Visual Guide. The long time favorite Mr. Potato Head jumps out of his vintage mode and into the very same suite that Hayden wore...well, it needed to be tailored a bit but, ah, just check out the cool spuds by clicking below!


    Visual Guide Update – POTF2 Expanded Universe
    [Chuck | 10/14/05]

         The last 2 EU figures are now added to the POTF2 guide, rounding out that section completely. The EU line died an early death, which made finding some of these figures pretty tough. Check out two of the harder to find ones below, and check out the POTF2 guide to see what else was offered under this short-lived line.


    Visual Guide Update � Revenge of the Sith
    [Pete | 10/13/05]
 last the Jedi Temple Assault Battle Pack, or, as we like to call it here, the JTA Battle pack, has been added to the ROTS Visual Guide. This pack features Darth Vader as he storms the Jedi Temple along with is trusty clone pilot (?) and 3 of the most feared clone troopers from the 501st! Check out the images by clicking below!


    Emperor Palpatine Mini-Bust at SWS.ccm
    [Pete | 10/13/05]

         The Emperor Palpatine mini-bust is just another one of those fantastic pieces of work by Gentle Giant and now it is up for pre-order at the Star Wars Shop. Just follow the link in the image below to reserve yours today!

    You Buy Now! Weekly Update
    [Pete | 10/13/05]

         What a great week, we received a lot of new stuff and have become an official retailer for Code 3 Collectibles and there exquisite line of Star Wars products! Check out the full update right here for all of this week's news. Take a look at the list below and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Brian at
         New Arrivals This Week

  • Battle Damaged Darth Maul Mini Lightsaber
         New Items Available for Pre-Order
  • Code 3 Star Wars Die-Cast Vehicles
  • Code 3 Star Wars Sculpted Posters

  • Kentucky Star Wars Collecting Club Announcement
    [Chuck | 10/12/05]

         The KSWCC is holding its annual bash this Saturday. If you are from Kentucky or the surrounding areas, be sure to swing by the KSWCC website for more information on how you can attend. Here is the official press release:

    On October 15th the Kentucky Star Wars Collectors Club (KSWCC) will be
    holding their annual Fall Festival in Louisville, Kentucky. Festivities
    begin at 1 pm Eastern Time (sign-up on the forums for directions and full details). Food will be served beginning at 3 pm - Fried
    Chicken and Bar B Que are provided, please bring a dish to share -- sign-ups
    are being taken in the forums. We'll have goodies and prizes for our paid
    membership and there will be a Star Wars swap meet, so bring anything you'd
    like to trade or sell. There will be games and activities for the kids. Hope
    to see you there!

    I'll be there this Saturday, along with fellow staffer Mike Heicken who will be writing up our article for the Star Wars Experience section.

    Gentle Giant Update
    [Pete | 10/12/05]

         Gentle Giant has updated their web site with brand new information about the second of the Revenge of the Sith mini-busts. Emperor Palpatine is packed with evil and sports his lightsaber as he is about to duel with below to take a closer look and then hope that April comes really soon!

    FACTS 2005
    [Pete | 10/12/05]

         This years FACTS Convention is just a few days away and is packed full of fun for everyone passing through Ghent, Belgium! The show program is up so head on over and start to plan out your say...see you there!

    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/12/05]

         The last of the commtech figures needed for our POTF2 guide are now added! The hard to find R2-D2 with Holographic Leia, and Princess Leia herself! Stay tuned as we round out the last of the basic POTF2 figures needed to complete that section of the guide.


    Hasbro Update
    [Pete | 10/12/05]

         Hasbro has updated their site with images of the last wave of Collection 2 figures including Holographic Plo Koon, Tatictcal Ops Trooper, R4-P17, Wookiee Heavy Gunner and Holographic Aayla Secura. Click below to head over to Hasbro and take a closer look.


    Early Bird Kit Offer Extended
    [Pete | 10/12/05]

         For those of you who still have not sent in your Early Bird Kit certificate have no fear...the deal has been extened to March 31, 2006!! Read all the details at

    Visual Guide Update � LEGO
    [Pete | 10/11/05]

         Today we add the ARC-170 to the ROTS section of the LEGO Visual Guides. This awesome ship is built with operating s-foils and comes with 3 Clone Pilot mini figs! Take a closer look by clicking the image below!

    "Separation of the Twins" Figures
    [Pete | 10/11/05]

         The Official Site has updated with carded and loose images of the "Separation of the Twins" figures that will be exclusivly in Wal*Mart this fall. Click below to read more...


    Celebrate 25 Years of ESB!
    [>Pete | 10/11/05]

         To commemorate Empire's silver anniversary, prolific Star Wars artist Matt Busch has composed a striking lithograph showcasing the sinister agents of the sequel trilogy's darkest chapter, paired with the original period Empire logo. Vader and Palpatine dominate a rogue's gallery of Imperial officers, bounty hunters, stormtroopers and snowtroopers, all set against the cool blue tones of Cloud City and Hoth. Available exclusively at StarWarsShop, each Empire anniversary lithograph will be signed by the artist and numbered from an edition size of just 750.

    The Empire Strikes Back 25th Anniversary Print

    Visual Guide Update – Revenge of the Sith
    [Chuck | 10/10/05]

         The Remote Control R2-D2 from Tomy is todays featured ROTS visual guide update. This 3¾" scale R2-D2 will hold its own against most standard R2-D2's offered, plus you can drive him around on the table! Check out the image below to see how he stacks up against his stationary counterparts!

    Collector's Room Update – Eric Dordel
    [Chuck | 10/10/05]

         Rounding out our collection entries from the August collections contest, Eric Dordel shares his collection with the viewers of JTA! Check out Eric's collection by clicking on one of the thumbnails below. And, just because the collections contest is over, that doesn't mean you can't send us your collection. We would still love to add it to our Collector's Room. Send it to collections@jeditemplearchives and we'll officially make it part of our archives!



    Star Wars Experience - Sand Wars
    [Joris | 10/10/05]

         The Star Wars Experience section has been updated with yet another archived story that we pulled out and dusted off to share with the community. The 2004 Sand Sculpture Contest in Zee-Brugge, Belgium was themed "Hollywood" and as you may have guessed there was a nice showing of Star Wars sand sculptures...and not just Yoda sized mind you, but huge, Death Star sized works of art. Click the icon below to see what the talented artists came up with!

    Star Wars Action News Podcast
    [Pete | 10/10/05]

         Star Wars Action News Podcast's 7th Episode is up and ready to listen to! This week we "stay on Target" with a look at the Target exclusives this year, with special focus on the recent rash of Target exclusive figures and vehicles. Also there is a new entry to the Star Wars Christmas Ornaments which have long been dominated by Hallmark. What are these new ornaments, and are they worth buying? Finally we answer some listener mail. So, head on over to and take it for a won't be disappointed!

    Collector's Room Update – Chad Middleton
    [Chuck | 10/09/05]

         Chad Middleton from Tampa, Florida sends in his collection. Click the thumbnails below to visit his collection page, and send your collection to collections@jeditemplearchives to have your collection featured at JTA!



    Visual Guide Update � Gentle Giant
    [Pete | 10/09/05]

         The latest addition to the Gentle Giant Visual Guide is the General Grievous Clone Wars Maquette. This is the first in the 2nd series of these unique statues from Gentle Giant that come right out of the animated Clone Wars series from the Cartoon Network. Click the thumbnail below to check it out.
    Head on over to Andrew's Toyz where not only do they have a fresh shipment of these awesome maquettes, but they can serve all your Gentle Giant needs...including placing your pre-orders for the Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun and Darth Maul statues at great prices! Newsletter #327
    [Pete | 10/09/05]
 weekly newsletter is out and full of great stuff including the 1st wave of the last 12 basic ROTS figures, Kotobukiya Sandtrooper, Scout Trooper and Ep. II Clone Trooper and more! Read the entire news letter right here

    Research Droid Reviews � Captain Antilles
    [Sal | 10/08/05]

         As the Research Droids Reviews get back on track again today we add the review of Captain Antilles. How does this figure measure up to the he a hit, or a flop? Click here to see how many Holocrons the Research Droids think the captain is worth...
         As always, you have a suggestion for a review or just have some general comments send an e-mail in to!

    Visual Guide Update – Revenge of the Sith Battle Pack
    [Chuck | 10/07/05]

         The Clone Attack on Coruscant battle pack flys its way into the ROTS visual guide! A great way to build an army, this battle pack features 4 newly painted clones (using the deluxe clone trooper with firing jetpack mold), and a newly painted commander (using the #49 Bacara mold). Check out the images below to see the new paint jobs, and check out our quick-shot review of this set in our reviews section for more detailed descriptions of the new clones.


    Visual Guide Update � Revenge of the Sith
    [Pete | 10/07/05]

         The Revenge of the Sith Visual Guide gets another boost today with the addition of Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter. It is easy to see that he is one of the best pilots in the Jedi ranks because his starfighter is still the same make as before the Clone Wars started. Check out the images below.


    Hasbro Update
    [Pete | 10/06/05]

         Hasbro has updated their site today with images of the next wave of Revenge of the Sith Galactic Heroes! Click the images below to head to the article and see them up close!


    Unleashed Battlepack Images
    [Pete | 10/06/05]

         It is a double shot today for the folks over at! This time they have some packaged and loose images of the upcoming Unleashed Battlepacks. Head on over to again today to check them out!


    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/06/05]

         Another pair of POTF2 commtech figures are added to the guides today. Greedo and Admiral Motti, in all their commtechie glory! Click the images below to get a closer look!


    Saga Collection Images
    [Pete | 10/06/05]

         Those ever resourceful folks over at got their hands on carded images of 6 of the new Saga Collection line figures from the Battle of Carkoon wave! And, there is a special little surprise on the card back for you all too...head on over to to check it all out!


    You Buy Now! Weekly Update
    [Pete | 10/06/05]

         Lot's of great stuff for you today including Chronicles of Narnia pre-orders, and a few of the very hard to find Gold Obi Wan Kenobi mini lightsabers. Check out the update right here for all of this week's news. Don't forget, you can always check the "New Items" page on our site to see the most recent additions. Take a look at the list below and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Brian at      New Arrivals This Week

  • Gold Obi Wan Kenobi Mini Lightsaber
  • Star Wars Display Diorama
         New Items Available for Pre-Order
  • R2-D2 Interactive Droid
  • Chronicles of Narnia Prop Replicas

  • Visual Guide Update � Titanium Ultra
    [Pete | 10/05/05]

         The Revenge of the Sith Visual Guide has been updated today with the addition of the Titanium Ultra Republic Gunship and X-Wing Fighter. These 6" scale die-cast vehicles come in very sharp packaging for the carded collector and have plenty of detail for everyone! Just click the thumbnails below to check them out!


    Toy Fellas! News
    [Pete | 10/05/05]

         Hello from Toy Fellas! We are offering all our customers USA and International free shipping on any order total now until Halloween! After you have added your item(s) to the cart simply enter the coupon code: freeship on the bottom of the page and click submit. Then proceed with check out as normal. International customers please email us with your order & we will send you a Paypal Invoice. NEW IN STOCK!

  • Star Wars Basic Figures Turbo Tank Driver, Mustafar Sentry, Commander Bacara & more!
  • Family Guy Complete Family Griffin Box Set only $33.99
  • Brian, Stewie, Peter, Lois, Chris and Meg
  • G.I. Joe COBRA NIGHT WATCH 6-Pack Figures only $24.99
         We have so much more please take a good look around & remember to use the coupon code: freeship for FREE SHIPPING!

  • "Quick Shot" Review!
    [Sal | 10/05/05]

         The Research Droids Reviews has a special "Quick Shot" version tonight with some quick and important info on the new Clone Attack on Coruscant Battle Pack that seems to be findinf its way onto Target shelves just a bit early these days. Click here to get the low down so you know how many sets of these you'll want to add to the Grand Army of the Republic, or Empire...your choice.

    Great Stuff in at Figures Direct!
    [Pete | 10/04/05]

         Figures Direct has the Japanese Medicom Darth Vader and will be taking pre-orders shortly for the EpIII version (with burnt Hayden Christensen head)! They also have the forth Series of Star Wars Kubricks in stock as well as the Kotobukiya EpIII Darth Vader. Stop by Figures Direct today and get you goodies now!

    Visual Guide Update – Revenge of the Sith Exclusives
    [Chuck | 10/04/05]

         Today we bring you a special update: the next round of Target exclusives! Obi-Wan and Darth Vader duke it out next to the lava, with a special 'lava glow' effect covering their bodies. You can even hook the cool lava rock stands together. Meanwhile, the super secret Shadow Trooper invades Utapau behind the scenes to help Obi-Wan take out the Seperatists. Each comes with its own clamshell packaging and special cardbacking. Check out the images below, and check out alliance collectibles to get these while they last!


    JTA October Contest
    [Pete | 10/04/05]

         Next item up for grabs in our monthly contest is a Boba Fett autograph signed by Jeremy Bulloch himself at Celebration III!! Boba Fett is just about everyone's favorite bounty hunter and this is one autograph that is a must have for all those people! The contest is an easy one after all the hard work you guys put in the last 2 months......all you need to do is send in an e-mail with the subject "JTA October Contest" and your full name and you'll be entered into the random draw for the autograph!
         And...there is a chance to win some bonus entries too!! Read all about that on our Contests Page. A special thanks once again to the Autograph Bounty Hunter for donating this month's prize...stop by his site and see what other goodies he's got in store for you!

    Boonta Eve Race, WIP and Contest
    [Pete | 10/04/05]

         Boonta Eve Race: From local cult to grand spectacle and long before the arena was built, Tatooine's thrillseekers have held free-for-all, no-holds-barred races. The era of modern day pod racing comes to a crescendo during the Boonta Eve Classic where the grand arena fills up with hundreds of thousands and presided over by the powerful Jabba the Hutt.
         This is not an official SW starship, though some design elements were derived from the Venator. It's more of an escort/attack cruiser much smaller in size but fast, deadly and deploys frontline clonetroopers. The light gray with dark gray and dark red markings signifies Republic colors during ROTS and beyond.
         Do a Dio Contest: Build a Lego diorama depicting a scene/s from any of the six SW Episodes. For complete rules and prizes, follow the link.


    Update - Customs Corner
    [Pete | 10/04/05]

         The latest update in the Customs Corner, belongs to James Montague who sent in a few more of his cool customs to share with us. Just click the images below to check them out.
         Remember, if you want to send in your customs for the first time or if you'd like to add a few just send them in to and we'll take care of the rest!


    September Contest Winner!
    [Pete | 10/03/05]

         Congratulations to Jeffrey Van Hove who won this months random draw just for sending in his customs to us during the month of September! He won a photograph of General Veers signed by Julian Glover from the Autograph Bounty Hunter and 2 Post-OTC figures...Sly Moore and Padm� Amidala (Naboo Celebration)...from Figures Direct!
         A big thanks goes out to both of our sponsors and to everyone who entered the contest by sending in your work. We have gotten a bunch of great submissions for both sections over the past few months and we're going to get them all posted for you as soon as we can! And remember the Customs Corner and Collectors Room are always open for submissions...just head on over and hit the link to send us an e-mail with your images!
         Stay tuned for the October contest!

    Visual Guide Update � LEGO
    [Pete | 10/03/05]

         Another update to the ROTS section of the LEGO Visual Guides includes set #7258 Wookiee Attack. The great thing about LEGO (besides building your own stuff) are the ships! And this set comes with a few great ones...the Wookiee Ornithopter, a Spider Droid and a Corporate Alliance Tank Droid...something you just won't find anywhere else! Check out this awesome set by clicking on the thumbnails below or by visiting the LEGO Visual Guide .

   Newsletter #325
    [Pete | 10/03/05]
 weekly newsletter is out and full of great stuff like the latest DVD 3-packs, Lava Obi and Anakin, Battle Packs, the Early Bird Kit and more! Check it out right here!

    Update - Customs Corner
    [Pete | 10/03/05]

         We've got yet another update in the Customs Corner, this time from Jeffrey Van Hove who shares his own version of Snoova. Check it out by clicking below.
         Remember, if you want to send in your customs for the first time or if you'd like to add a few just send them in to and we'll take care of the rest!


    Star Wars Action News Podcast Vol. 6
    [Pete | 10/03/05]

         Star Wars Action News Podcast's 6th Episode. In this episode they talk about the new Hasbro finds at Target and Sam's Club, they look at the newly released photos of the Star Wars Transformers, and then discuss exactly what the Star Wars Fan Club has done for us. So, head on over to and check it out!

    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 10/02/05]

         The Jawa & Gonk droid two-pack is todays POTF2 update.Click the images below for detailed views of this commtech line selection of figures.


    ROTS Code 3 Poster at Best Buy
    [Pete | 10/02/05]

         Best Buy has scored yet another Star Wars exclusive! This time they have the Code 3 Revenge of the Sith sculpted poster! Created in the same style as its OT brothers this is another incredible piece of art work. It measures 8" x 10.5" and is a is a limited run of 5,000. Pre-Order yours by going to today. It is slated of an early November release...DVD tie in anyone?

    Update - Customs Corner
    [Pete | 10/02/05]

         Vicman Fett has sent in a whopper of an update to his custom creations today that feature the likes of an animated Clone Wars verion of the Republic Gunship, a bunch of Jedi and a really beat up Y-Wing! Check them out by clicking the thumbnails below!
         Remember, if you want to send in your customs for the first time or if you'd like to add a few just send them in to and we'll take care of the rest!


    Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan Pre-Order
    [Pete | 10/02/05]

         The Lucas Arts Store has Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan up for pre-order. As a bonus, all fans who buy the pre-order will receive the game expansion will be granted one week prior to commercial launch (Oct. 25) and an in-game exclusive Transport Skiff, the first-ever eight-person vehicle available in Star Wars Galaxies! Click here to head on over and reserve your downloadable copy today!

    Hurricane Auctions
    [Pete | 10/01/05]

         Gentle Giant Studios is doing their part for the Hurricane Katrina relief. They have teamed up with ToyShop Mag's Charity Auction by donating one of the highly prized 2004 Holiday Sandtrooper mini busts to the cause. Please take a look at the auction by clicking here and remember by bidding not only can you add a truly rare piece to the collection, but, more importantly, you'll be helping the folks out that have been effected by the hurricane. ToyShop has more auctions that you can view right here.


    Visual Guide Update � LEGO
    [Pete | 10/01/05]

         The ROTS section of the LEGO Visual Guides had been updated with the addition of set #7256 - Jedi Starfighter and Vulture Droid. Check out these two awesome ships that were featured in the opening scene of the movie by clicking below!


    Update - Customs Corner
    [Pete | 10/01/05]

         The September contest is over and we'll select a winner shortly, but that does not mean you need to stop sending in your customs! Today we have an update of Jedi Style's own special creations! He has sent in a pair of Jedi for us to check out!
         Remember, if you want to send in your customs for the first time or if you'd like to add a few just send them in to and we'll take care of the rest!




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