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March 2006

Visual Guide Update – 2002 Saga Collection
[Pete | 03/31/06]

     The last three basic figures are now added to the 2002 Saga Collection Visual Guide tonight! Teemto Pagalies, the Clone Pilot and Eeth Koth not only close out this figure section, but complete the entire basic figure line from 1978 through today! Click below for that nice up close look.


Next Sideshow 12" Figure Half Announced
[Pete | 03/31/06]

     Sideshow Collectibles has announced the next 1/6 scale figure and it will be one that many fans have been waiting for. But it appears the Darth Maul Final Battle will be a 6" figure from his waist down with the torso sold separately...hmmmmm?? The pre-sale date will be announced at a later time.

Sideshow Film, Food and Figure Fridays!
[Pete | 03/31/06]

     Sideshow Collectibles Film, Food and Figure Fridays take on a Star Wars look today! Stop by between 9am and 6pm PST and fill out the contest for to win a 12" Regular Edition Luke & the OT on DVD!! Friday can't get any better than that! Just remember to stop by between 9am and 6pm PST as entries outside that time frame will not count.

Visual Guide Update – POTF2
[Chuck | 3/30/06]

     The last of the POTF2 playsets is the Detention Block Escape playset. Another nice little piece to build a diorama around, complete with the infamous trash compactor escape door. This rounds out the POTF2 playsets and completes another section in the POTF2 Visual Guide!


Master Replicas Helmet Update
[Pete | 03/30/06]

     Master Replicas sends in an update about the Shock Trooper, Special Ops and Clonetrooper Helmets to let us know that most of the helmets do not meet their high quality standards. They are going to look into the situation with their vendors to determine the best way to remedy the problem and will have another update by April 20th.
     On the brighter side of things...the Boba Fett helmet is coming along and boy does it look fantastic! Just click the image below to take a look at this masterpiece!

Research Droids Reviews Double Shot
[Sal | 03/30/06]

     After a bit of a hiatus the Jedi Temple Research Droids Reviews are picking back up and to start them off we'll be offering you a double shot to get back on the Saga Collection fast track! Today you can head over and read about Princess Leia in her Boushh Disguise and Han Solo with his block of carbonite.
     Feel free to head on over to the Jedi Temple War Room to discuss your thoughts on these figures!

Big JTA Contest Sneak Peek
[Pete | 03/30/06]

     Just 2 more days until we launch one of the biggest contests you could ever lay our eyes on! All we can say today is that when this contest is over the Visual Guides will be better than ever and there will be some very, very happy people taking home some great loot! Check back on Saturday for the full scoop!

You Buy Now! Weekly Update
[Pete | 03/30/06]

     You Buy Now writes in to let you know that even though it was a bit of a slow week for new items but what they did get in is pretty cool. They also made a lot of new items available for pre-order! You can read the entire Weekly Update right here!
     New Arrivals This Week

  • Peter's Sword Limited Edition

  •      New Items Available for Pre-Order
  • Stargate SG-1

  • Collector's Room – Enrique Uribe
    [Pete | 03/30/06]

         Enrique Uribe sends in images of his most impressive collection and it is now posted for your viewing pleasure. Click the images below to take a closer look!
         Gracias a Enrique Uribe por enviarnos las fotos de su colecci�n! Haz un click en los imagines debajo por ver todo su colecci�n!
    Remember, if you want to add your collection just send in an e-mail to [email protected] with your images and we'll take care of the rest.


    Stand Tall Display System Update
    [Chuck | 03/29/06]

         Jim from Stand Tall Display System checks in with his latest update! Click here to read Jim's latest story about life, a new baby, and (of course) Star Wars.

    New to the Stand Tall Display System? Then be sure to check out Michael's Review of the Week for a detailed look at Jim's creation. Then, head on over to Jim's eBay store to pick up your set of display stands!

    Visual Guide Update – 2002 Saga Collection
    [Pete | 03/29/06]

         Two more 2002 Saga figures are down tonight leaving just 3 left in the basic section to round out that part of the 2002 Saga Collection Visual Guide! Darth Maul Sith Training joins this version of Anakin that can kick over the Tusken Raider stand and pot with the push of a button! Click below to take that closer look!

    [Pete | 03/29/06]

         When Jedi Master Mace Windu arrives home after a long day in the Clone Wars do you think he just tosses his lightsaber on the couch and leaves it there until the next morning? No...He uses one of the unique lightsaber storage devices from He likes to make sure that the blade is not lying flat so that it does not bend over would a warrior look with a bent blade? Besides Mace thinks it looks cool displayed on his wall that way...and who's going to argue with Mace? truly has one of the best Force FX lightsaber stands on the market today...and they even provide discounts for buying a few at once which is something most of us need because who has just one Force FX lightsaber? Head on over and read more about these awesome stands in our review and then head to and do Master Windu proud!

    R2D Toys Stock Update
    [Pete | 03/29/06]

         R2D Toys has fresh stuff Hot Off The Truck including the Demise Of General Grievous is in stock and ready to ship along with the Battle of Geonosis and the Battle of Coruscant waves avaliable as sets for great per figure prices!
         They also have the Astromech Droid packs back in stock song with soem other great items like and the Gold Chase Yoda Scaled Saber...Click here to read the entire news letter!


    Visual Guide Update – POTF2 Pack-ins
    [Chuck | 03/28/06]

         Today we add 4 more Freeze-frame slides to the The POTF2 Pack-in Guide. Be sure to stop by and check out the different types of pack-ins that came with the POTF2 line of figures.



    Star Wars Action News Podcast
    [Pete | 03/28/06]

         Star Wars Action News latest pod cast is up and ready to enjoy.
         Star Wars Action News has been airing weekly for six months now and Arnie and Marjorie have noticed a pattern of questions arriving in their inbox. Questions ranging from "What should I collect" to "How can I best display my collection" have steadily come in over the past months so Marjorie and Arnie are beginning a multi-part series which they call Collecting 101. Whether you're new to the hobby or an old pro, the hosts of Star Wars Action News should have a new perspective to add. This week they focus on the question "What should I collect?"
         In addition, Arnie weighs in on the game Republic Commando for X-Box and Marjorie gives her opinion on the first 67 pages of Vector Prime.
         Finally, if you enjoy the show, please remember to cast a vote for us at Podcast Alley. and please tell a friend to listen!

    Star Wars Action News

    Visual Guide Update – 2002 Saga Collection
    [Pete | 03/27/06]

         Well, I was going to pair up the missing figures from 2002 in to groups that made sense, but there really is not that much missing so I decided just to go down the list. Shaak Ti and Djas Phur have been added to the 2002 Saga Collection Visual Guide even if they do make an odd couple. Click below for a closer look.


    Big Contest Hint #2
    [Pete | 03/27/06]

         In only five more days we will be launching our largest contest by far and we'll have tons of prizes for multiple winners. So, it's time for another hint just to keep your curiosity up...make sure you have your collections close at hand in April...and nope, we won't be asking for pictures of your collection room. Maybe we'll have another hint for you before Saturday...check out our Contest Page every now and then to see what's up!

    Visual Guide Update – POTF2 Pack-in Visual Guide
    [Chuck | 03/26/06]

         The POTF2 Pack-in Guide gets it's second update today, with 4 additional Freeze-frame slides added. Click below to take a closer look...



    Visual Guide Update – 2002 Saga Collection
    [Pete | 03/25/06]
 is time to fill in a few of those holes in past lines again and tonight we add Han Solo and Chewbacca from the 2002 Saga Collection. Take a look by clicking below or head on over to the 2002 Saga Collection Visual Guide to browse through the entire line.


    Brian's Toys Newsletter #351
    [Pete | 03/25/06]

         Brian's Toys is out and it is full of great stuff like the Gentle Giant Clone Trooper, Utapau Trooper and 501st Trooper mini-busts, Revenge of the Sith Exclusives and even loose AFA Graded Vintage figures! Click here to read the entire newsletter!

    Brian's Toys

    Visual Guide Update – Force Battlers
    [Pete | 03/24/06]

         The next Force Battlers update is Samurai Obi. Complete with his Samurai lightsaber, num-chucks and shield, this one is a big departure from how we know Obi-Wan. Take a closer look at him by clicking below.

    Demise of General Grievous at Andrew's Toyz
    [Pete | 03/24/06]

         Demise of General Grievous is IN STOCK now at Andrew's Toyz. This is the newest Saga 2006 exclusive figure and will be one of the hottest of the year. Figure is in silver packaging and a collector case. This is not a pre-order, figure is in hand and ready to ship!
         The Master Replicas Luke Skywalker Signature Edition Lightsaber from A New Hope is in stock as well. For a limited time, receive free shipping on Luke's lightsaber when you order from Andrew's Toyz.

    Andrew's Toyz

    Hasbro Update - Galactic Heroes
    [Pete | 03/24/06]

         Hasbrohas updated their site with images of the 3rd wave of Galactic Heroes for 2006...check out the Sandtrooper, Greedo, Han, TIR Fighter Pilot, Wedge and more by clicking the images below!

    Visual Guide Update – POTF2 Pack-in Visual Guide
    [Chuck | 03/23/06]

         Today's Visual Guide Update opens up another guide here at the Archives: The POTF2 Pack-in Guide. This guide gives you a rundown on all the extra little pack-ins that came with the POTF2 figures, from Freeze-frames to Commtech Chips. We'll start this guide off with 6 Freeze-frame slides. We'll continue to fill this guide throughout the year, in the meantime you can use it as a checklist resource to let you know what's missing from your collection! Enjoy!




    Help Chose the Next LEGO USC Building Set
    [Pete | 03/23/06]

         LEGO has asked the great guys over at From Bricks to Bothans to help out the LEGO Star Wars design team decide what the next Ultimate Collector Series LEGO Star Wars model should be! Head on over From Bricks to Bothans and check out the poll on the right side of their main page and place your vote to help LEGO decide what USC should be made (** cough ** Ep. III Jedi Starfighter w/Hyperdrive Ring ** cough **).

    Start Hunting - UGH at Retail!
    [Pete | 03/23/06]

         Hunting season is officially open as the new Ultimate Galactic Hunt figures with their special cards, silver bases and silver holograms are starting to show up at retail! Thanks to Darth Cannibus and Jedi Ragazza Potente for the images of their finds!


    Get Your Snowbunny Padm�!
    [Pete | 03/23/06]

         The StarWarsShop now has the Exclusive Padm� Amidala in her snow gear Clone Wars Character Key up for pre-order. This is the fourth in a series of character keys from Acme Archives and you don't want to miss out on this one! Click the image below to head on over to the StarWarsShop, and don't forget, if you have an extra Yoda...I need one!

    Collector's Room - Diego Escobar
    [Pete | 03/23/06]

         Diego Escobar adds photos of his collection to the Collector's Corner today. Click the images below to take a closer look! Remember, if you want to add your collection just send in an e-mail to [email protected] with your images and we'll take care of the rest.


    More Hoth Unleashed Battle Packs
    [Pete | 03/23/06]

         The Official Sitehas images of the next round of Hoth Unleashed Battle the images below to learn more about the Imperial Invasion, Wampa Assault and Snowtrooper Battalion packs!


    You Buy Now! Weekly Update
    [Chuck | 03/22/06]

        You Buy Now has posted their latest newsletter, featuring some Star Wars goodies on everyone's list: Clone Trooper 4-packs and Astromec 5-packs. These items are ready to order right now, and they've also added some new pre-order items, like the highly anticipated Animated Boba Fett Statue! You can read their entire newsletter for more deals.

    You Buy Now!

    Visual Guide Update – Force Battlers
    [Pete | 03/22/06]

         The Force Battlers section of the Young Kids Visual Guide finally welcomes the 2006 Chewbacca to the fold. He comes packed with his bowcaster, a boulder launching backpack (complete with boulder) and a whole lot of Wookiee Fury! Check it out below

    Ebay Spotlight – ILM Star Wars Prop
    [Chuck | 03/22/06]

         Why bother with prop relicas when you can have the real thing? Our ebay spotlight item today takes a look at a truely rare item: an actual prop from The Empire Strikes Back. Click here to take a look at this unique piece. Also of note, according to the auction listing, this is the actual piece that was used in the Fan Club Bantha Tracks contest.

    Warning: Looking at this auction can result in a severe case of pocketbook shock!

    Visual Guide Update – POTF2
    [Chuck | 3/21/06]

         The POTF2 line produced a few very nice playsets, including the Death Star Escape playset. Collector's had high hopes when the two Death Star themed playsets were announced that we might be seeing the start of a series of connectable Death Star sets. Alas, that never came to be as there were only two released, and they did not connect together. These are nicely done sets, but their stand-alone value was not the greatest. And did I mention these sets come with some seriously big guns!? Check out the first of the two Death Star sets below...



    Star Wars Action News Podcast
    [Pete | 03/21/06]

         Star Wars Action News latest pod cast is up and ready to enjoy.
         The entire collecting community was buzzing this week as Toy Fare and Hasbro announced the twenty-five figures the voters wanted most for the latest fan's choice poll. Given the somewhat shocking nature of the votes (another Darth Maul? another Luke? people really do love the KOTOR video game series, don't they?) how could anything else be the topic of this week's Star Wars Action News? Is Arnie excited about Nom Anor? Is Marjorie ready to embrace Expanded Universe figures like Mara Jade? Go to Star Wars Action News to find out!
         In addition, Marjorie & Arnie will be hosting a collecting panel at the Pittsburgh Comicon on Saturday, April 22nd from 2 to 3 pm and they would love to see you at the con. Full details can be found by clicking here

    Star Wars Action News

    Big Contest Sneak Peek
    [Pete | 03/21/06]

         So, you've been wondering where the JTA monthly contests have gone? Well, we've been planning a big surprise for you and it will be coming your way when we flip the calendar pages to April and last all month long. Need a hint...check out our Contest Page every now and then for new clues!

    Collector's Room - Azad Elden
    [Pete | 03/21/06]

         Azad Elden has sent in some new photos of his updated collection to us that you can see in his corner of the Collector's Room. Click below to take a look at his great stuff! And remember, to add your collection just send in an e-mail to [email protected] with your images and we'll take care of the rest.


    Hasbro - Titanium Web Site
    [Pete | 03/21/06]

         The Titanium series has been so successful that Hasbro has given it a web site all its own to cover Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica and Transformers. Check it out right here.

    Visual Guide Update – Gentle Giant
    [Chuck | 03/20/06]

         MBNA's 3rd exclusive mini-bust, C-3PO, makes it's debut in our Gentle Giant Visual Guide today. This silver edition C-3PO is limited to just 2,500, so if you haven't picked up yours yet you better hurry! The last two MBNA exclusives were limited to 4,000 and 5,000 and were pretty hard to come by once they were gone.

    Visual Guide Update – Transformers
    [Pete | 03/19/06]

         The Transformer Visual Guide gets a boost with the addition of the Luke Skywalker/ X-Wing Transformer. With four firing projectiles and a lightsaber, what more could you ask for in terms of firepower? Click the images below for a closer look.


    Visual Guide Update – Master Replicas
    [Chuck | 03/18/06]

         Master Replicas makes another return to the Daily Visual Guide lineup. Take a look below to see Luke Skywalker's .45 scaled lightsaber from Return of the Jedi.


    Brian's Toys Newsletter #350
    [Pete | 03/18/06]

         Brian's Toys latest newsletter includes goodies such as Saga Collection figures, Titanium figures, Exclusive Droids 5-Pack and the fantastic Saga 2 Star Wars Trilogy Display Cabinet!! Click here to read the entire newsletter!

    Brian's Toys

    R2D Toys Newsletter
    [Pete | 03/18/06]

         R2D Toys has fresh stuff in stock including both Gentle Giant Darth Maul statues and the Sideshow Collectibles Darth Vader Premium Format Statue! Don't forget to place your pre-orders for The Saga Collection Battle of Geonosis and Battle of Coruscant waves. The Demise of General Grievous is available at a special pre-order price
         Due to an IT glitch there are still 7 days left for you UK mainland folks to grab a Anakin Skywalker Episode 3 Force FX Lightsaber for just �59 delivered!! Read the entire newsletter right here for more details.


    Visual Guide Update – Titanium
    [Chuck | 03/17/06]

         Todays Visual Guide update features another ship from the Titanium Series Ultra line. This very well done snowspeeder comes complete with removable panels. Click below for our detailed Visual Guide!

    Sideshow 12" Qui-Gon Jinn Pre-Order Today!
    [Pete | 03/17/06]

         The Sideshow Exclusive 12" Qui-Gon Jinn along with his moisture farmer poncho will be up for pre-order today between 10AM and 12 noon for all Sideshow newsletter and account holders. This is sure to sell out quick so be sure to place your order online for the best chance of reserving yours. After 12 noon the pre-order will be open to the general public.

    Sideshow 12 Inch Qui-Gon Jinn

    Collector's Room - Myrick
    [Pete | 03/17/06]

         The next collection to be added to the Collector's Room is the awesome 12" collection of the Jedi Temple War Room regular Myrick. After checking out his collection be sure to drop by the 12" forums to talk about it.
         And remember, to add your collection just send in an e-mail to [email protected] with your images and we'll take care of the rest.


    12" Qui-Gon Exclusive Accessory Announced
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         Sideshow Collectibles has announced the Qui-Gon exclusive...his moisture farmer poncho. Check out the Production Blog for a closer look!

    Episode V Luke Skywalker Scaled Saber On Sale
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         The Master Replicas Luke Skywalker Episode V Scaled Lightsaber is on sale for the general public right now! Head on over and buy yours today!

    Gentle Giant Update - Grievous and Boba
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         Gentle Giant now has the full scoop on the General Grievous mini-bust and the Boba Fett animated maquette posted over at their web site. Head on over to take a closer look at the droid general who you'll sure to be adding to your collection this fall!


    Collector's Room - Duane Smith
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         After a bit of a hiatus we are back to getting your collections posted over in the Collector's Room. We'll start off a nice long list of new and updated collections today with the collection of Duane Smith.
         Click the images below to check out Duane's collection. Do you want to share your collection with us here at JTA? Just send in an e-mail to [email protected] with your images and we'll take care of the rest.


    AHQ Specials & Giveaways
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         Action HQ has a bunch of great new Titanium Ultra vehicles and die cast figures in stock and ready to ship. They also have great deals on ROTS basic figures and are giving away free figures with each Titanium Darth Vader purchase. Click here to visit thier store!

    Visual Guide Update – Gentle Giant
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         The Gentle Giant Visual Guide gets updated once again today with the addition of Lando Calrissian in his skiff guard disguise. This is another fantastic rendering of one of our favorite character from ROTJ by Gentle Giant. Click below of a closer look. Andrew's Toyz has Lando in stock, so be sure to head on over to place your order.

    You Buy Now! Weekly Update
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         You Buy Now received some great new items this week and added more than our usual amount to the Pre-Order section. If there is anything you don't see in our pre-order section that you would like to reserve, shoot us an e-mail and if it's something we are going to carry we will do our best to get it up on our site ASAP. You can read the entire Weekly Update right here!
         New Arrivals This Week

  • Star Wars Titanium
  • Star Wars Lando as Skiff Guard Bust
  • Kotobukiya Star Wars Statues
         New Pre-Orders
  • Star Wars Commander Bly Statue

  • Hasbro Update – Vehicles
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         The Official Site has the details on the Mace Windu Jedi Starfighter and the Darth Vader TIE Fighter that will be out later this year. Click below for more info.


    Sideshow 12" Qui-Gon Jinn Pre-Order Tomorrow
    [Pete | 03/16/06]

         Don't forget that the Sideshow 12" Qui-Gon Jinn will be up for pre-order between 10AM-10:30AM PST tomorrow, March 17. Make sure you have your newsletter subscriber and Sideshow on-line account in order so you can buy yours. In the meantime, head on over to the Production Blog to check out a 360 degree view of Qui-Gon's head in the works!

    Sideshow 12 Inch Qui-Gon Jinn

    2006 Fan Choice Figure Poll
    [Sal | 03/15/06]

         Toy Fare magazine came out today and with it was the list of the 25 finalists for the 2006 Fan Choice Figure. Check out the entire list, along with reason to vote or not to vote for a particular character right here. Then talk it up in our forums after clicking here to head over to Toy Fare to cast your vote!

    Visual Guide Update – Gentle Giant
    [Pete | 03/15/06]

         The Gentle Giant Visual Guide gets updated today with the US version of statue of Darth Maul! This statue is one of the best renditions of Darth Maul to date with fantastic amounts of detail. Click the images below to take a closer look and then head on over to Andrew's Toyz to order yours. They're only 3,000 of these, so be sure to get yours before they are gone forever!


    Episode V Luke Skywalker Scaled Saber On Sale
    [Pete | 03/15/06]

         The Master Replicas Luke Skywalker Episode V Scaled Lightsaber is on sale to all Collectors Society members today and will be available to the general public on March 16 at 9:00 am Pacific time. Click the image below to add this awesome piece to your Master Replicas collection!

    Luke Skywalker Episode V Sacled Lightsaber

    Bothan Spy Autograph Project
    [Pete | 03/15/06]

         The Bothan Spy updates today with 8 New Autograph Projects! Want to learn how to get autographs through the mail? And for free!?! Then check out The Bothan Spy�s Autograph Section, and find out today!

    Visual Guide Update – Titanium
    [Chuck | 03/14/06]

         The Titanium Series Ultra line gets a small boost today, with the addition of Boba Fett's Slave I. Much more detailed than their smaller brothers, these Ultra Series ships also come with a nice domed display case.

    Star Wars Action News Podcast
    [Pete | 03/14/06]

         Star Wars Action News latest pod cast is up and ready to enjoy.
         This week Star Wars Action News is back, and with more T & A (and we don't mean Toys and Action Figrues)! Marjorie is concerned with the announcement of the Animated Style Princess Leia statue and the high demand for the "Snow Bunny" Padme statue that Star Wars is becoming sullied, while Arnie suggests a Slave Leia and Oola mini-bust be added to the Gentle Giant line.
         After that their reviews continue as Arnie received the Code 3 Republic Gunship this week that YOU LISTENERS chose for him to buy. Now that he owns it does he agree with your decision? Listen as Marjorie and Arnie give their take on the only prequel offering from Code 3's vehicle line.

    Star Wars Action News

    Visual Guide Update – Titanium
    [Chuck | 03/13/06]

         The next Titanium Series Forged Figure to be added to our guides is Darth Vader. He comes with a removable helmet and lightsaber. Strangely enough, the lightsaber is only plastic.

    SDCC Exclusive
    [Pete | 03/13/06]

         Our buddies over at Rebelscum have some images of the exclusive figure for the San Diego Comic Con this year...want to know what it is...just click here!

    Visual Guide Update – Episode 1
    [Pete | 03/12/06]

         Personally, I would have loved to see Qui-Gon Jinn riding an Opee in The Phantom Menace, but, he didn't and we'll just have to settle for a toy that we've added to the Episode 1 Visual Guide instead. Check out the images below or head on over to the Episode 1 Visual Guide to soak in the entire line.


    Australian Toy Fair Coverage
    [Pete | 03/12/06]

         The guys from have completed their marathon of coverage at the Australian Toy Fair. Click here to read about all the highlights and see all the great images of the show! Newsletter #349
    [Chuck | 03/12/06]

         The latest from just arrived and has all the latest transformers and titanium items available. You can also find a very wide selection of older Star Wars figures available on sale. Click here for the entire newsletter.

    Visual Guide Update – Titanium
    [Chuck | 03/11/06]

         The first of the new Titanium Series Forged Figures makes its way to the JTA Visual Guides. First up is Boba Fett, with a rare peek behind the mask! Click below to take a look a the first figure to feature Boba Fett unmasked...

    Hasbro - Transformers Update
    [Pete | 03/11/06]
 has the latest on wave 3 of the Star Wars Transformers. Click below to get more of the scoop on the Clone Pilot, Jango Fett and Emperor Palpatine Transformers.

    SW TRansformers - Wv. 3

    R2D Toys Stock Update
    [Pete | 03/10/06]

         R2D Toys has fresh stuff in stock including the US Gentle Giant Darth Maul Statue and the Gentle Giant Lando Skiff Guard Bust. They have been clearing through our warehouse (we will be moving to a new larger premises shortly) and have managed to locate lots of exciting items that had previously been listed as out of stock. Including lots of harder to find Revenge Of The Sith Items like Blue Royal Guards and Republic Gunships. And, don't forget top place your pre-orders for the Battle of Geonosis wave.
         There are only 7 days left for you UK mainland folks to grab a Anakin Skywalker Episode 3 Force FX Lightsaber for just �59 delivered!!


    Lucas Stormtrooper Details
    [Pete | 03/10/06]

         Entertainment Earth has all the detail son how to get your free George Lucas in Stormtrooper Disguise...Click here to read all about it.

    Star Wars 2006 Vintage Action Figure Set

    Visual Guide Update – Episode 1
    [Pete | 03/10/06]

         The next Episode 1 Visual Guide brings us the Jabba the Hutt with 2-Headed Announcer beast pack. Click away to take a close look!


    Australian Toy Fair Coverage - Day 1
    [Pete | 03/10/06]

         Head on over to get a glimpse of the Hasbro Star Wars line over at Day 1 of the Australian Toy Fair.

    Sideshow 12" Qui-Gon Jinn
    [Pete | 03/09/06]

         At long last we get news of the next Sideshow Collectibles 12" figure and it is none other than Qui-Gon Jinn! Obi-Wan's Jedi Master will be up for pre-order between 10AM-10:30AM PST on March 17, so be sure to stick around the computer to order yours before heading out to celebrate St. Paddy's Day! Don't need to be a newsletter subscriber and Sideshow account holder to place your order.

    Sideshow 12 Inch Qui-Gon Jinn

    Attakus Jedi Luke
    [Pete | 03/09/06]

         Our good buddies over at have images of the soon to be released Luke Skywalker. Jedi Knight. Click the images below to head over and take a closer look.

    Attakus Jedi Luke Skywalker

    New Titanium at Action HQ
    [Pete | 03/09/06]

         Action HQ has the Titanium Ultra Snowspeeder and Slave I in stock as well as The Ultimate Galactic Hunt silver Slave 1 and other basic vehicles like the Trade Federation AAT, Sith Infiltrator and Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi StarFighter! Stop by today to order yours.

    Visual Guide Update – Episode 1
    [Pete | 03/09/06]

         Today we'll give you an update to the Episode 1 Visual Guide with the addition of everyones favorite Gungan and his trusty Kaadu! Click below for an up close look at what you'll find next time to travel to Naboo.


    Australian Toy Fair Coverage at
    [Pete | 03/09/06]

         The guys from are on these scene a day early to bring you coverage of Toy Fair from Down Under. They were able to get a sneak peek of the Special Hasbro Exhibition "Mr & Mrs Celebrity Potato Heads" featuring 18 Australian celebrities that will be auctioned off. To see the full coverage just click here and remember to check back with them every day for more news and highlights!

    Visual Guide Update – Episode 1
    [Pete | 03/08/06]

         Hasbro's latest update focus on the Hoth Unleashed Deluxe Battle Packs. Click here to get additional information on these cool new mini playsets!


    You Buy Now! Weekly Update
    [Pete | 03/08/06]

         You Buy Now just received a bunch of new swag this week and they added a few new items to their site for pre-order. They will be adding a lot more throughout the week including more Star Wars Titanium figures, more pre-orders, and some new stuff from NECA. You can read the entire Weekly Update right here!
         New Arrivals This Week

  • New Star Wars Saga Figures
  • Star Wars Kotobukiya Boba Fett

  • Visual Guide Update – Galactic Heroes
    [Chuck | 03/08/06]

         Today we add the last set of Galactic Heroes from wave 2 of 2006. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul battle it out, kiddie style. Click below to see these two younglings up close!


    March Madness at!
    [Pete | 03/08/06]

         If you don't have the ESB Darth Vader or Mace Windu Master Replicas Force FX lightsaber yet, you have run out of excuses...Brian's Toys has them both on sale for just $79.99! Click here to see all their March Madness deals!

    Brian's Toys

    Visual Guide Update – Galactic Heroes
    [Chuck | 03/07/06]

         For todays update, another pair of Galactic Heroes makes their way to the Visual Guides. Click below to check out this pair of Episode II enemies.


    New Arrivals at Andrew's Toyz
    [Pete | 03/07/06]

         Andrew's Toyz just got in their shipment of the Gentle Giant Darth Maul statue and Lando Calrissian Skiff Guard mini-bust and they are ready to ship today! Stop buy Andrew's Toyz right now and place your order to add these two awesome pieces to your collection!

    Andrew's Toyz

    Star Wars Action News Podcast
    [Pete | 03/07/06]

         Star Wars Action News latest pod cast is up and ready to enjoy.
         This week Arnie and Marjorie are high on Tab Energy Drink as they review the new Titanium figures and answer some burning questions: Which actor's head is under the Darth Vader helmet? What�s up with the glass jar to keep them under? Find out how the detail and articulation compare to the Hasbro line and more! They also take a look at the new Scorch figure. He�s a hot figure and is flying off of the shelf. Is he worth the hunt?
         And don't forget the contest that only Star Wars Action News and Wattographs could bring you! You could win a signed Mas Amedaa figure. Details on how to enter are on the show.
         Finally, if you enjoy the show, please remember to cast a vote for us at Podcast Alley. Also, if you enjoy the show, please tell a friend to listen!

    Star Wars Action News

    Stand Tall Display System Update
    [Chuck | 03/06/06]

         The latest newsletter from Stand Tall Display System is here! Click on over to read everything Jim has to say about Stormtroopers and Clonetroopers. And, don't forget to check out Michael's Review of the Week for a detailed look at Jim's creation. When you are finished Jim's eBay store is where you need to go to get your Display System.

    Visual Guide Update – The Saga Collection
    [Pete | 03/06/06]

         Series 2 of the Entertainment Earth astromechs have been added to the Saga Collection Visual Guide today...what more can be said about these other than take a closer look at them below and then tell EE that we want even more!




    Visual Guide Update – The Saga Collection
    [Pete | 03/05/06]

         You wanted more astromechs and Entertainment Earth brought you more astromech! Todays Saga Collection updated adds Series 1 to the fold with the arrivals of R4-A22, R2-C4, R3-T2, R2-Q2 and R3-T6 who are all ready to calculate your hyperspace coordinates and bring you a can of your favorite beverage! Click below of a closer look and come back tomorrow for Series 2!




    Razzies - Boooooo!
    [Pete | 03/05/06]

         It seems like Hayden got the honor of worst supporting actor this year at the Razzies..."Darth Vader portrayed as a Backstreet Boy gone bad just doesn't cut it as a villain," Wilson said. "Though it was fun to see his arms and legs cut off." Obviously, they were all just jealous that Palpatine did not choose them for his more here

    Visual Guide Update – Galactic Heroes
    [Chuck | 03/04/06]

         The Galactic Heroes Visual Guide gets a small boost today: The Emperor and his faithful shocktrooper. Click below to see detailed images.

    Newsletter #348
    [Chuck | 03/04/06]
 has their latest newsletter up, chock full of Saga Collection goodies. This week they are focusing on carded figure specials, so you can find deals on many different Star Wars lines, including the original Saga, OTC, POTF, POTF2, Clone Wars, and more! Click here for the entire newsletter.

    Visual Guide Update – Titanium
    [Pete | 03/03/06]

         The Titanium Series gets another update today with the addition of 6 more of the basic vehicles...The Trade Federation AAT, Naboo Royal Starship, Wookiee Flyer, Sith Infiltrator, Battle Ravaged Falcon and the first Ultimate Galactic Hunt item of the year...Boba Fett's Slave I in a nice coat of silver. Click below for a closer look.

    Battle Ravaged Millennium Falcon  Naboo Royal Starship
    Wookiee Flyer  Sith Infiltrator
    Boba Fett Slave I (Ultimate Galactic Hunt)  Trade Federation AAT

    Visual Guide Update – Titanium
    [Chuck | 03/02/06]

         More vehicles from the Titanium Series are starting to hit the shelves. Today's update features a pair of familiar Jedi Starfighters. Click the images below to compare them for yourself. Keep an eye out though, that first Galactic Hunt toy just might be lurking in an upcoming Visual Guide...


    DSP Talk Show #12 Live!
    [Pete | 03/02/06]

         The Death Star Droid had been in the middle of a long move, but, now that he's back the Death Star Plans 2 Talk Show Episode 12 is live and ready for viewing! What is extra special about this features an interview with yours truly, um, at least until the DSP forum members take over. Head on over and read the latest Talk Show for an extra hearty laugh!

    DSP Talk Show Episode 12

    Customs Corner - Carlos Junior
    [Pete | 03/02/06]

         Carlos Junior sent in his custom Vintage style E-3PO and card back to share and now you can see the carded and loose versions over in the in the Customs Corner! Head on over or click the thumbnails below to take a closer look! Don't forget, if you'd like to chare your customs with the JTA community all you need to do is drop us an e-mail and we'll take care of the rest!

    Vintage Style E-3PO Custom  Vintage Style E-3PO Custom

    You Buy Now! Weekly Update
    [Pete | 03/02/06]

         Brian and his wife just had a baby boy last week so things have been a little crazy at You Buy Now. But, they added a lot of great new stuff to the site this week and you can read a quick recap of this week's happenings right here!
         New Arrivals This Week

  • Kotobukiya Star Wars Han Solo
         New Items Available for Pre-Order
  • Darth Maul Double FX Lightsaber
         JTA would like to extend a warm congratulations to Brian and his family on the arrival of their new Padawan!

  • R2D Toys Gentle Giant Update!
    [Pete | 03/02/06]

         R2D Toys has the Gentle Giant Darth Maul Statue (US version) and Lando Calrissian as Skiff Guard bust in stock and ready to ship right now! And...coming soon will be the Salacious Crumb and Darth Vader (Anakin Reveal)...pre-order now to be guaranteed to receive one of the very few of this awesome exclusive bust. Please note: We are getting very few of the US version Darth Maul statue, we urge you to order fast to avoid disappointment!


    Visual Guide Update – The Saga Collection
    [Pete | 03/01/06]

         The Battle of Geonosis wave is rounded out this afternoon with the addition of Sora Bulq, Yoda and Jango Fett to the Saga Collection Visual Guide. While we have seen this version of Yoda and Jango before, Master Bulq is a newcomer to the 4" plastic line and is a cool addition at that! Don't forget to head on over to Alliance Collectibles to pick up your Jedi and bad guys to battle for your collection!

    #015 Sora Bulq
    #019 Yoda #020 Jango Fett

    Great New Stuff at the Star Wars Shop
    [Pete | 03/01/06]

         The Star Wars Shop now has the Qui-Gon Jinn Mini Bust and the Master Replicas Darth Maul Force FX lightsaber up for pre-order. Stop by today and reserve both of yours today!

    Qui-Gon Jinn Mini Bust  Darth Maul Force FX Lightsaber



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