JTA reader Matthew B. has found the Walgreens exclusive The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ General Veers figure. It’s time to start searching for this exclusive now! This report comes from Ohio. You can check out our review of this great figure HERE.
The reports are pouring in of collectors finding The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) figure and the TARGET exclusive six-pack of 5POA figures (based on Solo: A Star Wars Story). Special thanks to JTA readers James M., Edward D., Scot G., Cybereye, and Ray M. for all of the reports and images. We posted some of those below.
Some readers doubted the authenticity of our Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) store report a couple of days ago. Well, we have another one. This time JTA reader Henry M. found the figure at his local TARGET in Southern California. Good luck to everyone!
To my shock and surprise, I found my very first two Wampa/Luke Skywalker sets at my local Walmart in Northeast Philly. I have heard of others seeing older products arrive in their local stores too. It appears as if more stock is making its way to Walmart. Now, where are those Mimban Stormtroopers?
We are getting quite a few store reports of The Vintage Collection Imperial TIE Fighter showing up at Walmart. From NJ to CT, Tx to NC, this popular vehicle is making its way around the USA. Special thanks to JTA reader Travis L. for this photo.
This is quite a surprise. A JTA reader who has asked to remain anonymous has located and purchased The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ TARGET exclusive Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) figure in Los Angeles CA (At a TARGET store obviously). They’re out there, folks! BY the way, the sketch of Leia on the packaging is dreadful.
How about finding The Vintage Collection wave 19 at your local Walmart and then bringing them to the register where they ring up for $1.00 each! It’s true! JTA reader Brian A. from Massachusetts sends us the proof! Check it out!
Our last store report for The Vintage Collection wave 19 comes from Utah. JTA Facebook follower Aaron L. from Utah sends us a report from Utah. We have also seen a ton of other reports elsewhere from Florida, Indiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Massachusetts. Good luck to all!
We are happy to share an international store report from Switzerland. JTA reader Phil B. can confirm that some of Hasbro’s greatest exclusives are hitting his homeland, but not through standard retailers. These include The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Gamorrean Guard and The Vintage Collection Stormtrooper (Mimban) figures! Awesome find!
We have another fantastic report from Connecticut. JTA reader Travis L. found The Vintage Collection wave 19 at his local Walmart too!
JTA reader Ian from Nebraska (one of my most-favorite episodes of The Walking Dead by the way) sends us another great report of The Vintage Collection wave 19 success! Click through for his report!
I can also confirm two store reports in NJ. One in Princeton NJ where I personally found the latest figures, and one in Hamilton NJ (both Walmart stores).
The store reports for The Vintage Collection wave 19 (wave 3 in the new era) are pouring in left and right. One of our latets reports is from Texas. JTA reader Warren H. sends us the proof! “These were at my local Walmart. Looks like 2 cases of wave 2 and only 1 wave 3. I got all the better cards, some were damaged. Pearland Texas.”
Ollie’s is apparently the dumping ground for the ton of unsold Hasbro Star Wars products that either never made it to retail or stuff that retailer gave up on after trying to sell it. JTA reader Edward D. finds something new every day he visits his local store. And the latest addition is the Walmart exclusive TBS [P3] 3.75″ AT-ST. The kicker? It’s only $10!
Bocce balls! JTA reader Jeremy B. found the Walmart exclusive The Vintage Collection Imperial TIE FIghter at his local Walmart in Indiana. It’s another Festivus miracle! You can read out full review of this release RIGHT HERE in our RDRs.
Found! The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ Moloch figure has been located in TARGET! JTA reader Cesar S. sends us proof of his find. He found Moloch in California. Let us know of your reports too! We were fortunate enough to get an advanced copy of it so you can check out our review of Moloch RIGHT HERE
Here we go again. Pallets and pallets of unsold The Force Awakens 5POA are still arriving at Ollie’s for $2.99 per figure. Additionally, the Jedha Revoly four-pack is arriving in droves too. You have to wonder if there is any interest for them by collectors to shell out $3 per figure. Your mileage may vary. Special thanks to JTA reader Ed D. for the image and report.
We are also getting quite a few new store reports of the TARGET exclusive TBS6 [P3] Gamorrean Guard. What’s interesting is that collectors are finding these in stores where Brickseek shows 0 units available. I have yet to see one of these in any of my local stores. Good luck if you’re still in need of this highly popular collectible!
If you live in Canada, you might want to check your local Toys R Us. JTA reader Ian A. sends us a store report that he has found this highly sought-after 6″ exclusive at his local store. As a reminder, this will be exclusive to Disney Store late this fall. You can also check out OUR THOUGHTS about this great figure in our RDRs right now too!
It’s a Festivus miracle! On my way to the gym I decided to stop at Walmart in Northeast Philly. Would you believe that wave 2 was hanging on the pegs (and literally nothing else). What’s sad is that I physically bought these and I still cannot believe I found them. That’s how dead my area has been for years now. Will wave 3 come this easy too? Sadly, the four figures I left behind are going for pennies on the dollar on Amazon right now. If you want to know more about this great half-wave of figures, check out our reviews HERE and learn more!
We have ANOTHER The Vintage Collection wave 2 store report, this time from Hialeah, Miami, FL. While this is fantastic news (from a certain point of view), just remember that the stores getting these cases are also getting flooded with four figures they don’t need as well. I know, I know, Debbie Downer. Let us know of your success!
As a follow up to our previous story, JTA reader ajaxtell sends us an image of the upcoming October Walmart reset. It features the stuff we finally want to see. Check it out!
It’s like a miralce, but JTA reader DJ U. found wave 2 of The Vintage Collection at his local Walmart in Mishawka Indiana. See, I told you it was the equivalent of calling Beetlejuice.
Well, take this as anecdotal evidence, or with a grain of salt as you wish, but Rey (Island Journey) is NEVER reaching Walmart stores until one major thing transpires…. like getting her UPC into their computers. This leaves even less hope for the TVC Stormtrooper (Mimban) figure too. A JTA reader who asked to remain anonymous performed an investigation and found out some disturbing news. I can reveal this. “I showed him the post from Steve at Hasbro saying the Rey figures shipped months ago. I then showed him screenshots I took of the figure on eBay. Most importantly, a picture of the UPC. He looked it up and said it was not even in their system. I asked him to elaborate, and he basically said without a number they recognize, it will never be moved to the stores.“ Is anyone else over this complete cluster of a mess? This is retailing basics, and Hasbro’s most significant retail partner is squandering the line right before our eyes. It’s maddening at this point. Hasbro, please read this. Is there anything you can do to help?
JTA reader Paul G. picked up this cool Vintage action figure poster at his local Five Below. There are so many things wrong with this poster that it seems so right! Most of the figures don’t have weapons, and many of those that do have the wrong ones. Not to mention the super-sized Ewoks and an Ugnaught that looks like he took growth hormones as a youngling. Vintage charm? You decide! Click below to have a look!
While out shopping this evening, I came across an incredibly cool poster that was an immediate purchase for myself at Five Below (for $5.00) as I am a self-confessed Kenner Star Wars junkie. It appears that these images (also used for the Topps Card Trader app) have numerous issues that add to its charm including inappropriate accessories (my favorite being Squidhead’a cloak on Lando), incompleteness and obvious wear. It is almost as if someone cleared out their vintage Darth Vader carrying case of figures, took some random photos on colored backgrounds and made a poster of them.
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