JTA reader Jonathan L. was able to purchase The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary 6″ figures at his local TARGET with no issues! They’re out there folks!
Hello JTA,
While doing some early morning shopping for essentials I came across these at a target in western Illinois on an end cap dedicated to the 40th anniversary for empire. All rang up at the self checkout with no issues. Stay safe friends!!
JTA reader Matthew M. writes in to let us know he’s found the Walmart exclusive TVC Jabba’s Palace playset for a mere $13.00 each. He noted that his local store’s shelf tags listed the item at $30, but they rang up for $13. It might be time to go looking for this set on the cheap! You can also check out his RECEIPT as proof!
It’s chaos out there, and it appears to be affecting the stock on shelves too. JTA reader miketheratguy found TBS6 Zorii Bliss figure for $4.00 on clearance at his local Walmart. Let us know of any bizarre finds you come across too.
JTA reader Jason S. stopped by his local TARGET and found The Black Series [The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary] wave 1 but was denied the purchase. The store clerk told them they have a street date of August 1st. If you also find this wave in your local store, please let us know if you are told the same thing about August 1st being the release date. That feels pointless to me.
JTA Reader Mark found Count Dooku, Clone Commander Bly, and Zorii Bliss at his local Walmart in Sarasota, Florida. Let us know in the comments if these are showing up in your area!
Please see the attached photos. While I was scavenging for hard to find supplies today I came across what appeared to be a new case of TBS figures at a Walmart in Sarasota, Florida. I snapped up a Dooku and a Bly and left the rest. I was actually more shocked to find these figures than the Lysol wipes. The SKU’s on the receipt are 063050990291 and 063050990296. Not sure which one matches which. Hope this helps. Stay safe out there.
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Entertainment Earth has listed both the full set and individual figures from The Vintage Collection wave 25. Click here for the whole set, and click below for each individual figure.
It’s fantastic some Walmart stores are getting the latest TVC figures. But it’s been over a month now, and TARGET hasn’t received a blessed restock of TVC figures in about eight of the ten TARGET stores in my area. What DOES arrive in stores and sit are the latest The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ figures. The same figures haven’t been touched by 6″ collectors. Why? Online? What’s the excuse? Hasbro: Stores, well, the ones that decided to still carry TVC mind you, are SCREAMING for more figures. Why is it so difficult to fill the pegs? For the record, in the Star Wars aisle at this particular TARGET in Princeton NJ there are seven TVC Snokes rotting. (The image below shows the end cap.)
JTA reader and friend Russ T. found the latest wave of The Vintage Collection in the Plainfield NJ area of the country. While not hitting everywhere at the moment, the reports are consistent. Let us know if you’ve found this great wave too!
With encouraging new store reports of the latest The Vintage Collection figure found, I have to say it’s a bit depressing to check out the Walmart stores where I live. They’ve completely given up on Star Wars.
Wow! Our friends at The Vintage Collection Facebook page have an early report of a reader of their finding the wave at Walmart today! it’s hard to believe they’re arriving already!
The Black Series Jedi Knight Revan is showing up at GameStop. JTA reader chucky chucky found his in Port Orange, Florida. Let us know in the comments where you are finding him.
The Black Series 6″ Sergeant Jyn Erso figure is The Phantom Menace 3D debacle manifested in one 6″ figure. I am so sick of seeing this figure everywhere I go. Do you find her clogging shelves like this still too? At least in 2012, during The Phantom Menace 3D debacle, we had other figures to choose from!
If you’ve been patiently waiting for Target to restock The Mandalorian “Carbonized” Version, now is the time to start checking! We’ve had numerous reports from JTA readers with these being found in both New Jersey and Tennessee, and I found several in Lexington, KY. Let everyone know in the comments if and where you did (or did not) find one. You can use the image of the barcode below at the scanner to check stock in the store.
JTA reader Adam K. sends us a report that The Mandalorian Carbonized TARGET exclusive figure is hitting brick and mortar again. If you’ve seen it, let us know!
JTA reader Lewis C. found a brand new Hasbro toy based on The Mandalorian at his local TARGET store: on clearance. If you knew about this item, wonderful, but it’s probably news to most of us.
JTA reader Craig F. reports in that the TARGET exclusive The Vintage Collection Cave Of Evil Special Action FIgure Set has hit $19.99 on clearance. Get it now if you want it! Unfortunately, it’s still $39.99 online.
Again, I don’t get it. The Rise Of Skywalker is barely over a week old now. The attention span for movie marketing is nonexistent. I neglected to post yesterday that TARGET was running a Buy Two Get One Free special on all toys (it has now expired). I managed to get three of the Cave Of Evil three-packs for a decent price. But, I also noticed that TARGET has placed its exclusive Supreme Leader Snoke & Rey Galaxy Of Adventures set and The Black Series [Phase III] C-3PO & Babu Frik on clearance. Also of note, the Cave Of Evil Special Action Figure Set is still $39.99.
The final chapter in the Skywalker Saga has only been in theaters for slightly over a week, and there is NOTHING on store shelves to support The Rise Of Skywalker. It feels like we’ve been through this too many times since 2015. And what worries me more is that so many online retailers have plenty of stuff on order claiming it is arriving soon. So, will we go from a barren wasteland to overstock in a short period of time? Click the image below to see what is representative across ALL retailers in my area.
‘Tis the season to swap figure parts. Look at what this unscrupulous collector did to the Luke Skywalker (Ceremonial Outfit) figure. Special thanks to JTA reader Rogue1138 for the report and image.
Well, after the $10 Five Below finds, the $16.99 Kids Warehouse Discount, and now Ollie’s $19.99 special, (as well as multiple unmentioned flash-sales on Amazon), I think it’s safe to say that The Vintage Collection Imperial Combat Assault Tank was a colossal failure. Even if it’s time to discount the vehicle in the line, there shouldn’t be this many units available for these give-away prices. Hey, if we can rip The Black Series [Phase III] First Order Elite TIE Fighter 6″ vehicle a new one, we should be able to do it for a TVC item too. Special thanks to JTA reader Ed. D. for the latest Ollie’s news.
P.S. I do want to be COMPLETELY transparent and state I never saw this vehicle at retail ONCE. So, maybe it’s NOT a great comparison to the 6″ First Order Elite TIE Fighter. At least the latter was found EVERYWHERE before it hit clearance EVERYWHERE.
JTA reader Aldo S. was became a tad disappointed when he picked up his order for the 6″ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) and 6″Yoda (Force Spirit) figures. They arrived in a padded envelope crushed.
Well, this is not good, folks. And Hasbro, it’s time to get back to Original Trilogy basics. Collectors have voted with their dollars, and it appears they’re sick of straight either repacks and not interested in new vehicles, not from the Original Trilogy (or Prequel Trilogy). Yes, we’re sure there are exceptions to this. The Imperial Combat Assault Tank wasn’t one of them. $10 Imperial Combat Assault Tanks at Five Below is not an encouraging sight for The Vintage Collection brand. Special thanks to JTA reader Seth A for the news!
Mark G . from The Black Series Collectors Group posted an image of the single-release of the First Order Snowtrooper that came in the Mystery Box exclusive set for $39.99. As expected, it’s arriving at TARGET singly for $19.99.
Now that we’re a significant amount of weeks out from Triple Force Friday, we’re curious to know what you’re finding at retail now. For me, I am only finding exclusives (and with relative ease). But as far as general marketplace items, like the first couple of waves of The Vintage Collection and The Black Series [Phase III] 6″ lines, I am finding almost nothing. There has been sell-through, but I don’t think any of my local stores have restocked. Let us know what you’re finding in your neck of the woods!
And it is….The Purge Trooper? That’s right. The mysterious figure from the “?” covered image on Gamestop’s website is actually just a Purge Trooper. Many speculated that since the Purge Trooper was already revealed as a Gamestop Exclusive that it wouldn’t make sense for it to be the mystery figure, but unfortunately I was told this wasn’t the case as the employee opened the box in front of me. The good news? Your local GameStop likely has a few in stock since the box my store opened contained 12 and only 2 were pre-orders. So if you need it, nows the time to hit up your GameStop! If you pre-ordered the bundle online and get a different figure, let us know. Now excuse me while I go off to play Fallen Order for 20 hours straight!
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