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The Legacy Collection

R7-Z0 - TLC - Build A Droid

Name: R7-Z0
Collection: The Legacy Collection
Number: N/A
Source: Expanded Universe (The New Essential Guide To Droids)
Availability: July 2008
License: Hasbro

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The Legacy Collection introduced us to a new style of astromech, the R7 unit. Not only were we introduced but within a short 60 days we were treated to two between waves 1 and 2 as both were one of two chosen Build A Droid figures in both waves. While not an immediate favorite, the R7 units slowly developed a liking with fans and collectors. But the sad thing is that we do not know much about them. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia describes them as follows: "A military astromech co-developed by FreiTek Incorporated specifically for use aboard the New Republic E-wing starfighter, although variants existed that could be used in other starships." Well, that is just wonderful, but where are the specific examples where we can find R7-Z0 in action or the battles this droid took part? We want to know more, Hasbro. In previous Q&A sessions with Hasbro, fans have asked for specific bio information on all the Build A Droid figures because other than a name, there is not much more the packaging gives us on these very popular droids. Hasbro has alluded that this would be a great idea to include this data as an online exclusive source (or something relatively similar) but it has yet to see fruition. We hope they decide to proceed with some sort of bio information on these droids, because we would truly love to know more details, especially of the droids we have NEVER seen before like R7-Z0 and R7-T1.

R7-Z0 comes to us in seven separate pieces but these seven parts are packed across four basic figures (including Ak-rev, Yarna d'al' Gargan, Bane Malar and Darth Vader). It is made up of a dome, body, two legs, two rockets, and removable third leg attachment. All the parts (except for the third leg) are specific to the R7 units and no other Build A Droid parts will utilize them. This droids coloring is very simple but the red and army/olive green look fantastic together. The droid is very clean and you already know how we wish for our astromechs to be a little bit more banged up than this. If you study the reference photo, you will see how in need of dirt the action figure is. The red circle on the top of the dome is very unique and we don't believe we have seen this on any R-series droid before. The triangle-shaped eye port is honestly pretty silly. Rather than working as a unique feature to this model of astromech, it looks more like a random geometric shape some creator at Lucasfilm desperately tried to make work to be different from the other models. In short, some better and additional final tweaks could have been made to the R7 units to make them a better and more believable style of droid in the Star Wars universe. The way Hasbro packaged this Build A Droid's parts is unfortunate. The bands have warped the legs a bit and the posture of the droid is a bit wonky because of it.

If you look at all the Build A Droid figures to date (all the ones that appeared in the blue phase of The Legacy Collection), you will likely agree that they came in like a lamb and went out like a lion. As time progressed, each Droid Factory pack-in has gotten better and better and Hasbro seems determined to continue to make them more exciting and unique going forward. But their humble beginnings of the R7 units are still most welcomed by us. Star Wars is about variety and unique characters. We definitely have never seen an astromech droid like the R7 unit before. And it probably won't be your most favorite one by any means, but there are some things about it that make it a very worthwhile Build A Droid figure. And if you are an Episode VI fan, you may have completed this droid by default. But as a footnote, we tend to believe that there are many R7-Z0 units out there without legs. We joke a bit here, but since both Ak-rev (and to a much greater degree) Yarna d'al' Gargan were major peg-warmers (and Hasbro collected them from retail and destroyed them) we suspect that there will be quite a few incomplete R7-Z0 droids. We hope that you have completed yours, because not only are the figures who contained its droid parts good, so is this droid. R7-Z0 will grow on you with time. We're just not used to them yet, but expect them to make a bigger splash as times moves forward in the Star Wars universe.

Collector Notes


Status: R7-Z0 is an all-new figure that utilizes the R7-series astromech Build A Droid sculpt. It can be built from 7 individual parts split across the following figures:

Ak-rev (BD 5) – R7-Z0 left leg/booster rocket

Yarna d'al' Gargan (BD 6) – R7-Z0 right leg/booster rocket

Bane Malar (BD 7) – R7-Z0 body

Darth Vader (BD 8) – R7-Z0 dome/third leg

Articulation Count: 8 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), left leg rolling wheel (1), right leg rolling wheel (1), third leg rolling wheel (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: 2 booster rockets

Date Stamp: 2008

Assortment Number: None

UPC: None

Retail: $0.00 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


The Legacy Collection Wave 1

Han Solo (BD 1)

Luke Skywalker (BD 2)

Chewbacca (BD 3)

Leektar & Nippet (BD 4)

Ak-rev (BD 5)

Yarna d'al' Gargan (BD 6)

Bane Malar (BD 7)

Darth Vader (BD 8)

R4-D6 (Build A Droid)

R7-Z0 (Build A Droid)

The Legacy Collection Greatest Hits

Commander Gree (GH 1) (See TAC 08 03)

Kashyyyk Trooper (GH 2) (See TAC 08 04)

Battle-Damaged Darth Vader (GH 3) (See TAC 08 12)

Imperial EVO Trooper (GH 4) (See TAC 08 09)

Added: October 12, 2009
Category: Legacy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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