212th Battalion Clone Trooper - Hasbro - Legacy Collection [2] (2013)
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Legacy Collection

Boba Fett - LC - Basic (BD36)

Name: Boba Fett
Collection: Legacy Collection
Number: BD36
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: November 2009
License: Hasbro

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Boba Fett is a merciless bounty hunter whose dinstinctive armor contains countless weapons and devices. Son of notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba tracks and eventually captures Han Solo.

Wow! What a difference a paint job makes! But unfortunately for Boba Fett a brighter complexion doesn't translate into better accuracy. We'll get to this more in a minute. This particular Boba Fett sculpt is no stranger to collectors as it has been released in the Hasbro line so far in the Evolutions assortment twice as part of The Fett Legacy set, first in 2007's 30 (77-07) collection and then quickly reissued in the blue phase The Legacy Collection in mid 2008 with a few corrections and enhancements. The set was among the most popular and for good reason; Madalorians are hugely popular, especially when the list includes Boba Fett of course! Boba Fett from the set came out pretty good (for what we thought at the time). As we've mentioned, Hasbro made a couple updates to the figure in 2008 and this is really something we've come to expect anymore collecting out Star Wars action figures. Inevitable variations have become and it's just part of the culture it seems anymore in modern collecting. The paint jobs varied (very slightly on the helmet) and his trademark chest plate symbol was interchangeably "applied" or "left off" of the figure. It also marked the first time we received Boba Fett with a removable helmet (excluding the Titanium figure of course, but we are talking about true action figures here) and this was a feature that elated some and caused chagrin in many others. Overall, it was a more than satisfactory action figure and fit the definition of a super-articulated. Boba Fett came with plenty of accessories and his parts were extremely well designed and relatively proportionate to the figure (including the snuggly fitting helmet which is always a point of focus). If we are honest with ourselves, we didn't think he was painted half that bad in the Evolutions line. Certainly none of us really expected what was about to happen next with this mold! Hasbro felt that all wasn't right with the Evolutions figure's paint job, so they attempted to make the paint operations tighter and more accurate this time around.

They succeeded in some aspects but failed in others. However, this new iteration of Boba Fett just looks so good that we're surprising ourselves of how very fond of it we are of it despite still not being 100% screen accurate. Boba Fett has been essentially reinvented! Pure and simple, Boba Fett has been bathed in a brand new and incredibly awesome paint application. It is vibrant, bright (where it needs to be), and not accurate but still authentic. It makes us wonder why this color operation wasn't applied to the Evolutions figure, but of course things change when Hasbro sees fit. While we didn't necessarily wait for a new (and subsequently better) paint application, we are thrilled that it is here because it is better than the original figure, but we'll have to wait a bit longer until Hasbro perfects it. We feel we're closer, but not quite if that makes sense. For those of you planning to pass on this figure because you think it is essentially a repack of the Evolutions Boba Fett, let us advise you that it would be a travesty to do so. They are two unique figures and the new Legacy Collection basic figure is breathtakingly better and outdates the Evolutions version already (and significantly, no less). By comparing the two figures, you will quickly realize how "washed out" the original paint job was on the Evolutions Boba Fett. This is a fact. But keep in mind that Boba Fett wasn't as bright as this Build A Droid figure is either. Boba Fett has still been colored to represent his look based on his role in Episode V, and this will have to do for now. (You will still enjoy him guaranteed.) The entire figure has been repainted from head to toe. The helmet, jetpack, chest plate and head all have such significant paint upgrades it will leave you utterly speechless. (Just check out our images to see for yourself!) We are confident that you will be impressed too because of how much better it looks now! We can offer nothing but the highest praise for this figure. It even overshadows some of the "new" figures in wave 3 of the Legacy Collection and this is not an exaggeration at all.

For those of you who may not own this figure or the Evolutions version yet, Boba Fett is indeed super-articulated with 23 points. And while all the points do not function as well as you may have hoped, the figure moves "just enough" without causing too much aggravation. With a little bit of time playing with him, Boba Fett can stand very well and he has a stunning and perfectly scaled silhouette. For a figure that has a removable helmet, it doesn't look the slightest bit too big when placed on him. Boba Fett satisfies in every department and we still cannot stop clamoring about adding him into our collections. This figure clearly was the "surprise gift" in wave 3 (for us at least). We hope this inspires you to consider enjoying this gift too. Boba Fett is a perfect of example of how awesome it is to get "repacked" figures into the basic figure line. When they get revisited to this magnificent level, it truly does count as another new figure to most people (and us at the very least). While we think Boba Fett at this point can only be bettered by not including him with a removable helmet, this Legacy Collection version of him comes pretty close and will serve as a perfect version of Boba Fett for us now. He appears in a couple of remix cases in the Legacy Collection so he should be readily available throughout the line's duration. We hope you seize the opportunity to grab him for your collections. While it is not our intent to express so much schmaltz when reviewing an action figure, we honestly can't help it. Thank you Hasbro for making us react with indescribable wow towards this Boba Fett figure, but you still have some work to do. But you're heading in the right direction! Obviously, the figure still has a ways to go to be definitive in both sculpt and deco. Most of all, Hasbro needs to cut the length of his cape back and we would even love to see a permanently glued down helmet, but this figure will indeed impress you for now until Hasbro improves upon it at a later date! And they always can do this so expect a better one shortly!

Collector Notes

Boba Fett

Status: Boba Fett is a repaint of the Boba Fett figure from 2008's TAC The Fett Legacy Evolutions set.

Articulation Count: 23 points (14 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left forearm (1), swivel right forearm (1), ball-jointed torso (2), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 4

Accessory Details: removable helmet, Mitrinomon Z-6 jetpack, EE-3 sawed-off blaster rifle, blaster pistol

Original Droid Factory/Build A Droid Part: R3-A2 body

Date Stamp: 2008

Assortment Number: 91432/87535

UPC: 653569430155

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Boba Fett

Legacy Collection Wave 3 (Wave 10)

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R3-A2 (Build A Droid)

R4-P44 (Build A Droid)

Added: November 19, 2009
Category: Legacy Collection
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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