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Disney Store Talking Figures

Talking Han Solo - Talking Star Wars Figures

Name: Talking Han Solo
Type: Talking Star Wars Figures
Source: A New Hope
Availability: May 2014
License: Disney

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Wow! The Disney Stores Talking Star Wars Figures line is just impressing us beyond measure. Larger than one-sixth scaled figures, this slightly enlarged scale of toys is meant for the kids first, but they’re also piquing the interest of adult collectors. In fact, the line is so good that it may change the way we all think about Star Wars collectibles in general. With a knock-it-out-of-the-park first offering, the Talking Stormtrooper proved that Disney was off to a very strong start. Now the second figure, Talking Han Solo, is riding along those same strengths and also provides kids and collectors of all ages with another fine Star Wars toy. Again, the Disney Stores Talking Star Wars Figures line has been designed with kids in mind first. And we have looked at this line through those eyes. But they are done so incredibly well that there is no way collectors are going to be able to cast them off as unnecessary items. Whether you’re a kid or a collector, the Disney Stores Talking Star Wars Figures line will have something for you enjoy. With over 15 phrases, a light-up blaster and articulation that rivals the figures made by Hasbro, this is truly the premiere new Star Wars toy format for the Star Wars universe of fans.

Talking Han Solo may not have the initial impact of Star Wars fans that the Talking Stormtrooper did, but you would be remiss to dismiss it without checking it out in detail. Just like the Talking Stormtrooper, Talking Han Solo comes with 13 points of articulation. But do you believe Disney has constructed two nicely functioning ball-jointed hip joints for him that do wonders for posing the figure? We’re completely amazed how well this line of figures articulate and how you can create very meaningful and screen accurate poses with them. The ball-jointed head alone allows you to tilt his head is various ways. Many of the points are inhibited thanks to their inherent design, but they still move enough and help to give the figure similar movement to the human form. We fault the line for one decision only. The blaster is non-removable from Talking Han Solo’s hand. We understand that it needs to be that way in order for the electronics to work, but maybe a separate “chunky” gun could have been designed that houses its own electronics would have been a better option. And perhaps another gun without electronics could have also been included so it would fit in the (gasp!) functioning holster. It kills us that we don’t have a gun to place inside of it. But kudos to Disney for talking the time to sculpt it!

Talking Han Solo has an awesome sculpt too. We think the likeness to actor Harrison Ford in uncanny. The plastic used has more sheen to it than we like to normally see, but we imagine that as kids play with it over time that some of that shininess may dissipate over time. His hair looks perfect and Disney even managed to get his eye color that perfect shade of green/brown hazel. We’re thoroughly impressed. The rest of Han Solo’s form is also sculpted quite well. He is tall and athletic and the costume looks flawless. Would you believe that Disney sculpted a separate and removable vest for Han Solo? Again, we’re amazed by the level of quality that went into this piece. It also adds some versatility to the toy and gives kids some extra play option, albeit not that much different than if he had the vest on his person. Human characters are hard to recreate in toy form, but we think that Disney did a wonderful job with this figure as well. We hope that the line is successful and continues to produce more beautiful fruit like this. For less than $30, you get a ton of high quality plastic (which beats by a landslide the material Hasbro is suing on their own budget line of figures), electronics with phrases taken right from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and a large fun figure that will provide hours of enjoyment. It’s a total win!

Collector Notes

Talking Han Solo

Status: Talking Han Solo is an all-new figure.

Features: 15+ phrases, activation button, light up blaster, lights & sounds, fully articulated

Articulation Count: 13 points

Articulation Details: ball-jointed head, ball-jointed left shoulder, swivel right shoulder, hinge-jointed left elbow, swivel right elbow, swivel left wrist, swivel waist, 2 ball-jointed hips, 2 hinge-jointed knees, 2 hinge-jointed ankles

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: removable vest (permanently affixed blaster pistol with electronics)

Date Stamp: 2013

UPC: NB1446172686130461

Retail: $29.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Disney Stores Talking Star Wars Figures
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Added: May 17, 2014
Category: Talking Figures
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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