Date: January 23, 2022
Publisher: Insight Editions (Released November 9, 2021)
Author: Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak
Retail Price: $24.99
Credits: Review & Text: Darlene Paskovics; Page layout & Design: Chuck Paskovics
I have a confession to make…I don’t know what “Life Day” is and how it relates to Star Wars. But if you give me a book that combines my two loves – food and Star Wars, I’m IN!! Thankfully, Chuck lovingly and patiently filled me in. If that wasn’t enough, the Introduction in the book filled in all the blanks.
The cookbook is delightful to look at and peruse. The pages are decorated like a well-used handbook. The pictures are crisp and colorful. Each section has a title page and its own word written down the side of each of the right-hand pages. I assume it is Wookie for Appetizers and Snacks, Side Dishes, Main Courses, Desserts, Drinks and How to Celebrate Life Day at Home.
I was eager to get started and chose Mushbloom Pie as a main course for my hungry family. Each recipe has an entertaining description at the top, and a quick guide for prep time, cooking time, yield and difficulty. This one was listed as Medium difficulty – but I give it an Easy rating.
I recognized most of the ingredients – but white pepper? Does it come in different colors? And what is a Cremini mushroom? Thankfully they were both easy to find in the grocery store. Cremini mushroom is a fancy word for Baby Bella mushrooms. The spice section had white pepper – who knew?!
The instructions were easy to follow. While the potatoes were happily cooking in a pot, I chopped all the vegetables. Yes, I cheated with the garlic cloves, but who doesn’t like easy? And the minced garlic was easy! 1 tsp = 1 clove of garlic.
All of it went into the oiled and buttered cast iron pan and cooked according to the directions.
It smelled delicious…Chuck and I were getting hungry! While that finished cooking, the potatoes were mashed with all of the ingredients added. I found the white pepper to be a subtle taste compared to brother black pepper. I liked it!
It was time to put everything together and bake! Once completed, I realized that I forgot to add the parmesan cheese and butter to the top. But honestly, it didn’t need it.
The meal was FANTASTIC!
Chuck added cooked Italian sausage to his meal after the dish was done baking. I ate mine exactly as is…and both of us were VERY HAPPY! In the future we may add cooked beef, sausage, etc. to the meal before it goes in the oven. We will definitely be making this again and again. It has become a new family favorite!
Click here to read Part 2 of this review!
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