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The Force Awakens

Fifth Brother, Inquisitor - TFA - Build A Weapon (Space)

Name: Fifth Brother, Inquisitor
Collection: The Force Awakens
Number: N/A
Source: Rebels (Season 2 Episode 2: Relics Of The Old Republic)
Availability: February 2016
License: Hasbro

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A towering presence, the Fifth Brother, Inquisitor is tasked to hunt the Rebels by Darth Vader himself. A man of few words, he uses his intimidating physicality and brute strength to try and best the Rebel crew and capture the elusive Jedi.

Is this a space version of Paul Revere or some other colonial figure? It is surprising to us sometimes the choices Hasbro makes for the basic figure line. Yeah, there’s no doubt that villains are always popular. But if the audience barely knows anything about the character, shouldn’t the toy company maybe hold off a little bit to see how he or she resonates with the audience before entering him or her into the basic figure line? We don’t mean to come across as know-it-alls, but we really don't know that much about the Fifth Brother other than he's an Inquisitor. He and the Seventh Sister were dispatched by Darth Vader to hunt down the Ghost crew following the death of the Grand Inquisitor. And that’s about all we can tell you at the moment. Fifth Brother, Inquisitor is actually a nicely designed action figure and he has some weight and height that exceeds your normal action figure in The Force Awakens line. He still comes simply articulated but has a nice sculpt and nice paint operations. This figure is the status quo.

The Fifth Brother's design was based on unused concept art for The Force Awakens. While so much of Rebels has focused on Ralph McQuarrie’s gorgeous designs, it is cool that they’re branching out a bit more to give the Star Wars world a truly unique first time character design. Fifth Brother, Inquisitor is the silent enforcer type. Some have compared him to a less intimidating version of Savage Opress from The Clone Wars. But sadly, Fifth Brother, Inquisitor comes without the character development that fan favorite Savage Opress did in so many episodes of The Clone Wars television show. As of the figure’s release, the Fifth Brother, Inquisitor has been ineffective and disappointingly underdeveloped. Many are hoping to see just what this character will do and see if he even warrants an action figure. If we were getting 60+ action figures a year, we would never question the figure’s validity in the toy line. But with collection sizes barely breaking half of that in this modern era of collecting, we feel territorial enough about the basic figure line to question if this character was indeed a good choice.

Fifth Brother, Inquisitor first appeared in the episode "Relics of the Old Republic." And he has made little splash since then. Just like The Inquisitor action figure, Fifth Brother, Inquisitor comes with the same exact double-bladed lightsaber. He has a much large frame than The Inquisitor, so he has a commanding presence. If the Rebels TV show does indeed develop this character, he has the physical presence and stature to be an extremely viable character in the series. As an action figure, we don’t know how to properly react to it, because we don’t know where this character is “going” (for lack of a better word). The action figure leans a little bit, but he has a decent center of gravity and is able to maintain his poses with little assistance. He also comes with a Space styled Build A Weapon part that connect with other Build A Weapon parts released with the other figures in the wave. Fifth Brother, Inquisitor may not make you rush to find him and purchase him for your collection. But if you’re a Rebels fan, you’ll probably want to track him down.

Collector Notes

Fifth Brother, Inquisitor

Status: Fifth Brother, Inquisitor is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: double-bladed lightsaber

Date Stamp: N/A

Collection: Space

Assortment Number: B6586/B3445

UPC: 630509407378

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Fifth Brother, Inquisitor

The Force Awakens Wave 4 (Forest/Space)

Admiral Ackbar

Fifth Brother, Inquisitor

Tasu Leech (Kanjiklub Gang Leader)

Added: March 9, 2016
Category: Force Awakens, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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