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Name: Yoda & Kybuck
Collection: The Legacy Collection
Number: SL 2
Source: Clone Wars (Volume 1: Chapter 1)
Availability: July 2008
License: Hasbro
Yoda receives a kybuck as a gift for healing an ailing Wookiee princess on Kashyyyk. The Jedi Master forms a bond of friendship with this swift herbivore. When General Grievous attacks Coruscant during the Clone Wars, Yoda sometimes rides the kybuck during skirmishes but keeps the creature safely away from any danger.
The year of huge pack-in accessories and figures was unquestionably 2007 during Hasbro’s proud 30 (77-07) line. We got huge figures like Hermi Odle and Pre-Cyborg Grievous as well as huge accessories like the moisture vaporator packed with Luke Skywalker (30 18) and the torture rack packed with Han Solo (With Torture Rack) (30 38) figure. But perhaps the biggest “accessory” in the entire line was the Kybuck that came with the Yoda & Kybuck set. Calling it accessory is actually incorrect because the Kybuck was actually named on the packaging. Flex those muscles because this basic figure weighs a hefty amount and take sup almost the entire pace behind that bubble. And now it's part of The Legacy Collection Saga Legends line since 2008 is all about The Clone Wars. Hasbro dusted off some of their greatest "Clone Wars" action figures to help augment the line. When originally released, the Yoda & Kybuck two-pack was definitely one of the standout figures in the entire collection. It's a set that lovers of the Tartakovsky Clone Wars have been praying would one day get made. Another realistic take on two popular Clone Wars characters, this duo can be found in the opening few minutes of the opening chapter in Volume 1 in addition to other appearances in Volume 2. When fully assembled, the set is statuesque. The Kybuck stands impressively tall and quite a drastic difference to Yoda's small stature. Both Yoda & Kybuck are slight repaints of their 2007 counterparts. You should be able to see the differences clearly. If you're not into such things, then this repacked set of figures will be easier to overlook in The Legacy Collection.
Not only has Hasbro created a stunning piece of art (we’re talking about Yoda & Kybuck collectively here) they have enhanced it with a beautiful paint job. This time the colors vary ever so slightly. For instance, the ammo belt around the Kybuck is darker. The brown fur is darker. Yoda appears lighter and the paint applications do seem tighter. The Kybuck is strewn with a multicolored palette of brown and great care was taken to paint the alternating stripes on the horn equally. The Kybuck’s big eyes have an emotion in them which can be interpreted that while these beasts are domesticated, they will rise to the challenge to either serve in battle or perform the duties its owner expects of them. It is articulated in the head (which seems to have been tightened up quite a bit with this release), its arms, its legs and its tail. There is a plug on its saddle that allows Yoda to stay in place as you run the Kybuck through battle. Even the saddle has been aged and weathered so realistically. You will certainly need a few minutes in order to take in all the details that Hasbro has given this figure. There is so much to enjoy and discover and unfortunately if you don’t pay attention to this detail, you will be missing quite an experience. While it is possible to stand the beast upright with Yoda atop of it, we recommend the use of an action figure stand to keep everyone in place. The Kybuck has an ammunition belt around its chest and there are Aurebesh symbols, one in each block of the belt, that do not spell anything in particular. This is one finely constructed action figure set and Hasbro should be proud of its accomplishment. It is absolutely one of the best figure sets we have ever seen in our Star Wars collections.
Yoda is not too shabby of a figure either, but sadly his articulation has reached an obsolete status now. Twelve points of articulation should be impressive, but you just don't get the full range of motion you're hoping to have here. Hasbro has managed to squeeze in two ball-jointed shoulders in his tiny frame. We are also slightly disappointed with the action stance Hasbro gave him. Yoda does however look fantastic when posed on the Kybuck, but if you try to stand him by himself, you will have trouble trying to get him just so. It’s a small setback, but ti is still slightly frustrating to say the least. He comes with a very neat bandolier that wraps across his back and chest and he comes complete with his signature lightsaber and lightsaber hilt (which plugs in very nicely into the bandolier) as well as a tailored soft-goods cloak. The cloak is unique even for Yoda because it is the first one to have slits put into the hood so that his ears can pop through it. While we love the concept of this, the stitching underneath the hood makes it a little too bulky and the full effect can’t be achieved. In other words, Yoda looks much better without the hood over his head. The Yoda & Kybuck two-pack is great to see again, especially with the noted enhancements. As a Saga Legends figure, you also get a locker of six weapons which serves as the pack-in premium here. But since every figure in this line comes with them, they get boring quickly. If you’re a fan of the original Clone Wars series than this is about as perfect as a set you can get because you’re getting a phenomenal action figure that received a lot of attention from a Star Wars source that not everyone pays attention to (for some strange reason). It is everything and more you would expect from an action figure and we think it would be a crime not to own this by now!
Assortment Number: 89025/87995
UPC: 653569350828
Retail: $7.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
Status: Yoda is a repaint of the figure from 2007's TAC Yoda & Kybuck (30 32) two-pack.
Articulation Count: 12 pioints (10 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-socket left ankle (1), ball-socket right ankle (1)
Accessory Count: 4
Accessory Details: soft-goods cloak, bandolier, lightsaber, lightsaber hilt
Date Stamp: 2007
Status: Kybuck is a repaint of the figure from 2007's TAC Yoda & Kybuck (30 32) two-pack.
Articulation Count: 6 points (6 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-sokcet head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), swivel tail (1)
Accessory Count: None
Accessory Details: None
Date Stamp: 2007
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