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SH Figuarts

2BB-2 - S.H. Figuarts (02)

Name: 2BB-2
Collection: S.H. Figuarts
Number: 02
Scale: 6"
Source: The Last Jedi
Availability: October 2017
License: Tamashii Nations

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S.H. Figuarts is a new standard figure series that incorporates the Bandai action figure "Art" under the theme "Pursuing Character Expression through Humanoid Action."

It’s like Build A Droid for high-end collectors, except that you get the completed droids in one fell swoop. Everyone knows the high quality figures S.H. Figuarts makes for Star Wars collectors. But just in time for the Force Friday II product launch, a duo of figures of characters based on Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi was released along with an exclusive “no cost” BB unit (also characters in Episode VIII). Collectors immediately latched onto this awesome promotional offer. Although you had to buy both S.H. Figuarts figures together to get the BB unit, the figures were packaged in their boxes just as if they were regular releases. What’s more, the exclusive BB unit also received a little box for itself and given a number to help organize this campaign for collectors, as well as S.H. Figuarts. The BB units are of equally high quality when compared to their uber-articulated humanoid counterparts. Each can be broken down into four separate pieces: head, body, double-ended ball-socket post (for head and “neck” articulation) and an “invisible” display stand which is just a clear disc of plastic with a beveled bottom to cup the body of the BB unit. Let’s go through how you can attain all four BB units and briefly describe the packages that made this promotion what it is.

Set one includes: Captain Phasma (The Last Jedi), First Order Stormtrooper (The Last Jedi), and BB-9E (the black First Order character). BB-9E is numbered 01 in this collection. They were released September 2017. Set two includes: Elite Praetorian Guard (with double blade), First Order Stormtrooper Executioner, and 2BB-2 (the blue BB unit). 2-BB2 is numbered 02 in this collection. They were released October 2017. Set three includes: Elite Praetorian Guard (with heavy blade), Kylo Ren (The Last Jedi), and BB-8. BB-8 is numbered 03. We find it particularly strange that BB-8 was paired with these two characters, but we digress. They were released November 2017. Set four includes: Elite Praetorian Guard (with whip-staff), Rey (The Last Jedi), and BB-4 (the tan BB unit). BB-4 is numbered 04 in this collection. They were released December 2017. Again, the three figures (that make up the promotional trio) are not specially packaged in any way. Each figure gets its original and unadulterated packaging, just as if you bought them separately. The only difference is that when you buy them together, you’re entitled to get the free corresponding BB unit as part of the promotion.

Keep in mind that BB units are limited and won’t last forever. In fact, they’re already commanding significant aftermarket values. A set of three figures average over $100. It’s a lot of money to put up, but it’s the only way you can acquire the BB units. All four BB units are beautifully sculpted and gorgeously painted. The tooling is very simple, but each has a unique head sculpt, and it’s impressive to see so much detail etched into them to recreate screen-accurate interpretations of these droids. We don’t know much about these characters, and if they’re droids, some are going to be background fodder. But they help to populate the Star Wars universe and then again populate our collections with uniqueness and diversity. Multiple droids are a wonderful thing. Now we’re getting them in a high-end collectibles line. Disney’s Droid Factory BB-8/2BB-2/BB-4/BB-9E four-pack was a pure joy for 3.75” collectors. Now 6” fans have something to celebrate as these “bonus” figures bring these same figures to collectors, just in a larger scale with finer detail and quality paint operations. Get these BB units while you can. They’re destined to disappear!

Collector Notes


Status: 2BB-2 is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 2 points (2 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), reverse ball-socket neck (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: display stand, antenna

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: 2405721


Retail: $0.00 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


S.H. Figuarts

All Products

Added: February 9, 2018
Category: S.H. Figuarts
Reviewer: Paul Harrison

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