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Star Wars [Solo]

Qi’ra (Corellia) - SW [S] - Basic

Name: Qi’ra (Corellia)
Collection: Star Wars [Solo]
Number: N/A
Source: Solo
Availability: April 2018
License: Hasbro

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She looks like every girl in a late-eighties or early-nineties high school graduating class. But more on Qi'ra (Corellia) in a moment! There have been reservations about Disney making a Star Wars standalone on Han Solo. In fact, the cries of disapproval have been a little too much to bear for some fans. Disney Star Wars has already proven to us that, generally speaking, the new episodic films are for new fans (not our Star Wars) while the standalone films are catered a little bit more to the longtime fans. It’s with that hope that we’re holding our chins up high for Solo: A Star Wars Story. But those fears have gradually been allayed by the slow but sure promotion of the film. Step by step we are getting to see the cool heroes and villains that make up the cast of Solo: A Star Wars Story. And with each successive teaser trailer and official trailer released, the interest in the film increases. The Star Wars [Solo] product launch from Hasbro was small and quiet. While there were some interesting action figures released, it’s difficult to get a fair scope of the film by what was part of the product launch. It’s not easy figuring out who is who and what is what. That’s OK, however, in time we will learn all there is to learn.

Not much is known about Qi'ra (Corellia). We have seen her in multiple outfits already, but Hasbro determined that the “street smart” version of her would make the most sense as an action figure. We, honestly, are looking forward to some of the more regal outfits we spotted in the trailers and promotional materials. The Qi'ra (Corellia) is a nicely done action figure. She is part of the 5POA line but sports seven points of articulation instead. The addition of swivel forearms gives her an advantage over most other action figures in this line. Her outfit is a bit bothersome for us. She genuinely looks like a high school girl from the later eighties to early nineties. Between the acid-washed skirt to the bulky faux fur collared jacket with brightly colored shirt underneath, Qi'ra (Corellia) doesn’t seem as if she is part of a galaxy far, far away, but rather an outdated character in OUR universe. Hasbro cannot help the source materials they are given, so let us reiterate that they produced a nice action figure of the character with this release. Her likeness is questionable to the onscreen character, but the way the paint operations are delivered, we think Hasbro did a fantastic job at creating a clean-looking action figure that looks great.

Qi'ra (Corellia) comes with a blaster pistol. She doesn’t have a holster around her waist to stow it when not in use, but she can hold it quite well in both of her hands. As mentioned earlier, she comes with swivel forearms, so that aids the figure in achieving more realistic poses than just having swivel shoulders. Other than that, Qi'ra (Corellia) is what she is. At the time of launch, the Force Link 2.0 technology wasn’t in effect. Hasbro has since explained that the application to launch Force Link 2.0 dialogue and sound effect for the compatible products will be available before May 1st. Even so, not having it ready by April 13th seems like it’s a huge misstep. Buying the Force Link 2.0 Starter Set with Han Solo is almost like buying a bridge. Why do you need it if you can’t use it? Regardless, Qi'ra (Corellia) is an above average action figure. She doesn’t bring anything unique to the action figure table. But she is a main character in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and we hope that she is a character for which all Star Wars fans can relate. We also hope that Hasbro will address her other outfits in the film. We’re not digging the one chosen for the Force Link 2.0 line, and the other ones appear to be more interesting and more believable to the Star Wars saga.

Collector Notes

Qi’ra (Corellia)

Status: Qi’ra (Corellia) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 7 points (7 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left forearm (1), swivel right forearm (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: removable jacket shell, blaster pistol

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: E1186/E0323

UPC: 630509623549

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Qi'ra (Corellia)

Star Wars [Solo] Force Link 2.0 Wave 1



Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)

Maz Kanata

Qi'ra (Corellia)

Range Trooper

Stormtrooper (Mimban)

Added: April 18, 2018
Category: Star Wars [Solo]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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