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Return of the Jedi

Han Solo (In Trench Coat) - ROTJ - Basic

Han Solo

(In Trench Coat)

Detailed Visual Analysis

Han Solo (In Trench Coat)

General Analysis

After the overwhelming first wave of RETURN OF THE JEDI figures, the follow up new figures in the RETURN OF THE JEDI line didn’t excite me as much as previous waves had. One of the biggest standouts for me, however, was Han Solo (In Trench Coat). It quickly became my most-favorite Han Solo action figure of the entire line, and I LOVED recreating various scenes from RETURN OF THE JEDI utilizing the incredible EWOK VILLAGE playset and this figure. I was significantly blown away by his removable trench coat. Growing up in a household where the meat on the dinner table was brought in via hunting, it felt like Han Solo (In Trench Coat) was another member of my immediate family. Maybe that’s the reason I played with him in the tree stand in our backyard all the time. As I grew into adulthood, I learned that a significant variation exists with regards to the trench coat. You probably already know that you can find this figure with camouflaged lapels or solid lapels, but the tone of the trench coat varies as well, from lighter to darker. There are also variations in the figure’s paint operations, especially with the figure’s hair color. It was rewarding to get Han Solo (In Trench Coat) and pair him with Princess Leia Organa (In Combat Poncho), but we’d have to wait another year before we received Luke Skywalker in his Endor gear.

Hasbro's Most Definitive Modern Counterpart: 2011's THE VINTAGE COLLECTION Han Solo (In Trench Coat) (VC62) figure.

Collector Notes

Name: Han Solo (In Trench Coat)

Collection: Return Of The Jedi

Source: Return Of The Jedi

Release: 1984

Status: Han Solo (In Trench Coat) is an all-new figure.

Assortment: No. 71300


Retail: $2.99 USD

Alternate Card Art Details:

• Han Solo (In Trench Coat)

• Trilogo

• Character name pill and figure backer are light green.

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Figure Release Information

Major Figure Variations (loose):

Note: There are variations in the body sculpt and lapel color from the trench coat. These can be found in different combinations.

  1. Trench coat without camo on the lapel
  2. Trench coat with camo on the lapel
  3. Detailed Sculpt
  4. Soft Sculpt

U.S. Card Back Release Information (confirmed to exist)

  1. ROTJ-77A
  2. ROTJ-77B
  1. ROTJ-79A
  2. POTF-92

U.S. Card Back information derived from the Kellerman Book Matrices and confirmed samples

Research Droids Data Analysis

Added: November 14, 2018
Category: Return Of The Jedi
Reviewer: Paul Harrison

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