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The Saga Collection

Bossk (Bounty Hunter) - TSC - Vintage

Name: Bossk (Bounty Hunter)
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: N/A
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: May 2007
License: Hasbro

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Celebrate the legendary Star Wars films that changed the universe forever, with The Saga Collection. This collection brings to life the incredible story of good versus evil that captured our imagination and took us to a galaxy far, far away. The finest re-creations of the iconic Star Wars heroes and villains are back with incredible detail and premium features to commemorate each epic tale in the Star Wars saga. And, as a tribute to the dedication of Star Wars fans everywhere, we are re-releasing elements of the original packaging that harken back to the creation of Star Wars action figures, which began over 25 years ago with the Original Trilogy. May the Force be with you!

The character of Bossk has certainly had his fair share of action figure attempts in the Star Wars action figure line. And he is a character that has some pretty distinguishing (and cool sounding) traits on-screen. He’s a Transdoshan, speaks Dosh, pilots the Hound’s Tooth, and will go on to compete with Boba Fett for the bounties of many things. A natural-born enemy of Wookiees, Bossk despises Chewbacca, and he was more than happy to join Vader and his competitors for the chance to bring Chewbacca to justice! But of course, you wouldn’t know all this about him if you collected the figures of him from the Hasbro toy line, yet you just knew that something was just so darn cool about him. And you were right because Bossk is a character that Hasbro has minimal difficulty getting right, even if all of the details aren’t perfect. After the release of the 1980’s ESB Bossk (Bounty Hunter) figure, Bossk didn’t grace store pegs until Kenner/Hasbro released 1997’s POTF2 [R/G] Bossk figure. We were all thrilled with this first modern update, and to be honest, it wasn’t all that bad, even by today’s standards. But Hasbro decided to give the bounty hunter another release, this time in the 2004 Star Wars “Saga” line as Bossk (Executor Meeting) (’04 #18). This particular release was light years better than the 1997 version and did a lot to satisfy fans as the definitive figure. This 2004 version saw a lot of life in the line. Hasbro repacked it for 2004’s The Original Trilogy Collection line as Bossk (OTC #28) and inclusion in 2006’s TSC Hunt For The Millennium Falcon: Bounty Hunter Pack Previews exclusive multipack (which included all six bounty hunters and Darth Vader). But perhaps nothing prepared us for complete satisfaction more than the 2007 “Vintage” The Saga Collection figure.

Without a doubt, this is the best Bossk money can buy, and before you even finish this review, make sure you have one, or buy one. Bossk (Bounty Hunter) is an absolute must-have action figure. It’s one of Hasbro’s most exceptional efforts in years. Bossk (Bounty Hunter) has been replicated perfectly in 3.75” form and is not only the best Bossk action figure ever, but it will also be the best one ever. While the amount of articulation increased nicely from 1997 to 2007, we now have a super-articulated version of Bossk. He has been designed with quite a few independent parts too. Things like his collar and the various tubing on his uniform are all separately molded parts. It doesn’t a great deal for the accuracy and authenticity of this Star Wars character. Having only one line (spoken in Dosh) in The Empire Strikes Back, the tone lets the viewers know that these reptilian species have some dominant attitude. And so does the action figure. Hasbro sculpted Bossk (Bounty Hunter) with the mouth open. To date, only the Titanium Series version of Bossk was sculpted with a “smile” to match the 1980’s ESB Bossk (Bounty Hunter) figure. You can see the figure’s “razor-sharp” teeth and tongue, and the snake-like eyes instill fear in anyone this bounty hunter intimidates. Hasbro cast the jumpsuit in a perfect shade of yellow, and the white “bib” has the ideal horizontal ribbing and dirt on it, as we saw in the film. The figure’s bare forearms and lower legs are spot-on, and the details of the scales are nothing short of amazing. Multiple colors exist in the deco operations and breathe life into this plastic toy while providing texture and depth to the sculptor’s masterpiece. The claws on the hands and feet are also beautifully done and tie together one of the coolest aliens we have ever feasted our eyes upon in the Original Trilogy.

Besides possessing the ability to pose him in a variety of ways, Hasbro has been gracious to collectors who like to stand their figures upright by giving Bossk (Bounty Hunter) a very straight and erect pose. You won’t find any awkward angles or outstretched limbs on this figure. And in all honesty, this is how all action figures should be designed, in our opinion. Since so much articulation is included in action figures now, those extra points of movement allow those looking for more versatility to pose their figures in “less static” poses. Boss (Bounty Hunter) comes with two accessories; one direct and one indirect. The collar is removable, but the figure looks silly without it. The figure also comes with a strapped grande launcher, which fits into the right hand beautifully )or over the shoulder). The “final” wave of vintage-styled is collectively some of Hasbro’s best work in the basic figure line. While you may not like the inflated cost for the premium packaging, there is no denying that the quality of the action figures themselves, in conjunction with the premium quality, is certainly not overpriced. Bossk delivers everything you want in an action figure. The excellence put forth with his sculpting, and intense attention to detail executed with his paint job are proof that Hasbro cares about us and what we think an excellent action figure should be. If you’re content with the previous versions of Bossk and pass this one by, well, we won’t cast our pearls before swine. (Goodness gracious, did we call those who you who aren’t buying this action figure “swine”?) We don’t mean to be facetious here, but it would be a tragedy to ignore this figure. Bossk (Bounty Hunter) is everything and more we could ever want in an action figure, and we are so happy that Hasbro has been this good to us. Please don’t underestimate this release! Bossk (Bounty Hunter) was part of the 2007 Ultimate Galactic Hunt) and has a corresponding coin found HERE.

Collector Notes

Bossk (Bounty Hunter)

Status: Bossk (Bounty Hunter) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 23 points (14 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left forearm (1), swivel right forearm (1), ball-jointed torso (2), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: removable collar, blaster rifle (grenade launcher)

Date Stamp: 2007

Assortment Number: 87308/87295

UPC: 653569213932

Retail: $9.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Bossk (Bounty Hunter)

"Vintage" The Saga Collection Wave 1 (2006)

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"Vintage" The Saga Collection Wave 2 (2007)

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Added: May 23, 2010
Category: Saga Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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