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The Vintage Collection

Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) - TVC - Basic (VC149)

Name: Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC149
Source: A New Hope
Availability: July 2019/June 2024
License: Hasbro

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Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) is easily an “evergreen” Star Wars figure for inclusion in the Hasbro Star Wars line. It makes sense that Hasbro decided to get this action figure back into the lineup. Hasbro also set a new precedent for re-released action figures. For quite a while, they only focused on action figures from the first run of The Vintage Collection. But with the re-release of Saelt-Marae, they’ve broken that glass ceiling, and it appears NO action figures are off limits for re-release consideration. However, what’s nice about the re-release of Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) is that they based the first release on the character’s appearance from Tatooine or perhaps the Battle of Yavin. The figure came with a filthy deco full of dirt and grime. For this re-release, Hasbro gives us a shiny new version of R2-D2, as the character appeared at the beginning of Star Wars on the Tantive IV or during the medal ceremony at the film’s conclusion. Either way, Hasbro did some minor enhancements to this figure aside from the deco changes, and we’re pretty thrilled to see it again almost five years to the day later. What’s impressive to us on this re-release is that Hasbro fixed the droid’s legs. The two small silver squares at the top of the leg are on the right side, closer to the front of R2-D2’s front panels when looking at it from the side view. The first version was incorrect, and they updated the new version. This upgrade is a big deal for us, and we’re happy to see the update.

This tooling dates back pretty far into the Hasbro line. The first time we ever saw an R2-series astromech droid that utilized an ancestral version of this sculpt was 2009’s TLC R2-L3 Build A Droid figure. And we’ve come far from that inaugural release. When the first version of VC149 Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) was released, we were disappointed. We waited more years than we wished to admit for a “12-Back” version of the classic astromech droid. And it wasn’t an ideal release. The irony here is that we’re paying minimally $5 more for a figure that was initially offered in the Star Wars [The Last Jedi] R2-D2 5POA Force link line only because the figure is featured in premium collector packaging and has a little more deco than before, albeit incorrectly applied deco. Let’s face it. All collectors wanted to see in this beautiful packaging was a clean and all-white Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) figure with Episode IV-specific features. Thankfully, we have that now, thanks to the reissue. The previous version that makes it look like Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) was spat out from the Dagobah swamp is very scene-specific. Chewbacca (VC141) and Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) (VC149) should have been two of the most obvious no-brainers of the entire line for Hasbro. But it appears they have to release the basics multiple times to get the right. Hey, whatever it takes. The updates here are noteworthy.

If Hasbro didn’t want to tool an all-new Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) for The Vintage Collection line, that’s fine. However, we always felt that they should have treated the existing sculpt they used with a little more nostalgic respect. That’s come to pass, thankfully. The Build A Droid sculpt, now updated to remove the two extra holes on the body, is decent. We understand Hasbro’s propensity to use it over and over again. But this is Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2). And it’s supposed to satisfy the 12-Backrequirement of this character. We think it’s pretty darn close now. Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) is an elevated version of the Build A Droid R2-D2 figure (and thank the Maker has foot wirings). The first version may not be the perfect version of an Episode IV version of R2-D2 as far as we’re concerned, but this re-release hits all the right spots for us. However, perhaps Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)’s best enhancement is the packaging. The figure now comes packaged on thick card stock, and they fixed the figure’s placement on the card, as well as the nameplate. It looks fantastic now. This figure might not be perfect, but this might be the best version we get from Hasbro. It may be a bit difficult for many to accept that this is the only “12-Back” version of Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) that we’re going to get for our collections, but it could be worse. From a carded perspective, we don’t think it could look any better, however.

Editor's Note: Hasbro re-released The Vintage Collection Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) (VC149) figure in June 2024 with a significant number of changes. Updates include: (1) revised paint operations including "clean" deco, (2) differently colored dome with shinier silver paint (3) different legs, (4) refreshed 2024 packaging and updated nameplate, and (5) different placement of action figure with leaner bubble and wider character photo

Review Status Update: The original publication date of this review is July 4, 2019. It was subsequently updated with a new Photo Gallery and revised General Analysis and republished on June 25, 2024 after Hasbro reissued the figure.

Collector Notes

Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)

Status: Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) is a repaint of 2017's SW [TLJ] R2-D2 Force Link figure. Hasbro re-released the figure in 2024 with significant changes.

Articulation Count: 8 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), left leg rolling wheel (1), right leg rolling wheel (1), third leg rolling wheel (1)

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: N/A

Packaging Details:

Version 1: Star Wars

Name: Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)

Year: 2019

Assortment Number: E5189/E0370

UPC: 630509804429

Retail: $12.99 USD

Details: Initial release

Version 2: Star Wars

Name: Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)

Year: 2024

Assortment Number: F9786/E7763

UPC: 5010996218650

Retail: $16.99 USD

Details: Reissue (figure and card updated)

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Vintage Collection Wave 22

Luke Skywalker (Crait) (VC146)

Death Star Gunner (VC147)

Imperial Assault Tank Commander (VC148)

Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) (VC149)

Added: July 4, 2019
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison

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