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30 (77-07)

2007 Vintage Coin Set - TAC - Exclusives

Name: 2007 Vintage Coin Set
Collection: 30 (77-07)
Number: N/A (Mail-Away Exclusive)
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: July 2007
License: Hasbro

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2007 was a whirlwind year for collectors. The Saga Collection got an extension as Hasbro held back the 30 (77-07) basic figure line so retail could play catch up with the last couple of basic figure waves from the previous lineup. Then we learned that the Vintage The Saga Collection line would continue with six fabulous new figure, but still sport the “TSC” logo and packaging. But then we learned they would once again be part of an “Ultimate Galactic Hunt” promotion. And the prize of that promotion was the 2007 Vintage Coin Set, which indirectly paid homage to the vintage Kenner mail-away coins while allowing collectors to have coins of the premium figures of the line along with the figures chosen for the basic figure line. The 2007 Vintage Coin Set was an exciting release for many Star Wars fans, but some felt it wasn’t nearly as exciting as a George Lucas (Stormtrooper Disguise) figure that was part of the previous year’s UGH promotion. We feel the 2007 Vintage Coin Set is a perfect mail-away exclusive, and we’re delighted with how the set turned out. Let’s take a closer look at its contents.

The 2007 Vintage Coin Set comes with seven coins total. These include the six figures that made up the second wave of the Vintage The Saga Collection lineup in addition to the exclusive Toy Fair coin also released February 2007. The set puts seven coins together in a beautiful felted package with window-front coin display (the Toy Fair coin) and then once you open it up like a book you’ll find the coins to the six characters featured in the promotion. Character coins include Bossk (Bounty Hunter), Han Solo (Rebel Leader), IG-88 (Bounty Hunter), Luke Skywalker (Jedi Apprentice), Princess Leia (Rebel General), and Snowtrooper (Galactic Empire). We find it interesting how the characters are given different names than how they’re represented in the VTSC line. On the packaging, the figure utilizes the same names as the figures originally released by Kenner. They include Bossk (Bounty Hunter), Han Solo (Hoth Outfit), IG-88 (Bounty Hunter), Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues), Princess Leia Organa (In Combat Poncho), and Imperial Stormtrooper (Hoth Battle Gear).

The back of the coins show each characters’ affiliation and also have incredible detail for showing such a small portion of the character on the front surface of the coin. None of the coins share the bio of the characters on them, but they do show the 30-year date span that makes up the 30-year anniversary of the Star Wars saga. And coins are a fantastic way to celebrate this. The incredibly-designed display box comes with the coins of the six vintage-styled figures. And the seventh was the Toy Fair coin. This time they're all housed together. They were redeemed by sending the proof-of-purchase sticker from each of the six vintage figures. You then had to attach the stickers to the front of the certification. But the good news for the 2007 UGH promotion was that the six POPs could be from any of the figures. You then mailed away for the coins by February 29, 2008, but would arrive within 6-8 weeks of receipt of the Redemption Request Form. $4.95 was required for shipping and handling. It was a simple promotion that was on-point for the pack-in premium presented in the 30 (77-07) line. We believe it was the wisest exclusive for this promotion possible.

Collector Notes

2007 Vintage Coin Set

Status: The 2007 Vintage Coin Set is all-new and was the 2007 Ultimate Galactic Hunt mail-away premium part of the Vintage The Saga Collection figure lineup.

Features Count: 8

Feature Details: Bossk (Bounty Hunter), Han Solo (Rebel Leader), IG-88 (Bounty Hunter), Luke Skywalker (Jedi Apprentice), Princess Leia (Rebel General), Snowtrooper (Galactic Empire), and Toy Fair 2007 collector coins with display box

Accessory Count: N/A

Accessory Details: N/A

Date Stamp: 2007

Assortment Number: 87531


Retail: $0.00 ($4.99 shipping & handling fee per set)

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

30 (77-07)

All Products

Added: August 9, 2019
Category: 30 (77-07)
Reviewer: Paul Harrison

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