R2-D2 (#04)  - Hasbro - The Black Series [Phase I] (2013)
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The Black Series [Phase IV]

Luke Skywalker (Endor) - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (ROTJ04)

Name: Luke Skywalker (Endor)
Collection: The Black Series [Phase IV]
Number: ROTJ04
Scale: 6"
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: November 2020
License: Hasbro

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Utilizing stolen schematics, the Rebel ALliance formulated a plan to destroy the new Death Star. Luke Skywalker joined his friends for this mission to Endor.

It’s been a long time waiting, but Hasbro reached the point in The Black Series 6” line where they have the option to go back to older figures in the line and redevelop them into a new outfit or iteration. In 2014, Hasbro released The Black Series [Phase II] Luke Skywalker (#03) figure. They’ve not retooled it twice to develop other versions of Luke Skywalker from Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi. Now, Hasbro created Luke Skywalker (Endor), and it might be the best of them all. Hasbro took the base figure from 2014 and then tooled an all-new head sculpt (and also added Photo Real deco), a new belt, a new helmet, and a new soft-goods poncho to recreate the classic version of Luke Skywalker as he took on the Biker Scouts right before the Battle of Endor. The latest figure isn’t perfect by any means, but Hasbro made the best of existing parts while blending them with newly tooled ones to create a relatively fresh and “new” release. The poncho is gorgeous, and the new helmet fits the head like a glove. First introduced in the 2020 convention exclusive release as part of a multipack, Luke Skywalker (Endor) gets is single release in the general marketplace in the fourth phase of The Black Series 6” line.

This outfit focuses on the final act of Return Of The Jedi. You’ll find “Death Star II” Luke Skywalker underneath the outerwear, so you can have the figure battle, Darth Vader, if you’re looking for some additional options. Collectors like to have options with their figures, and we’re happy that Hasbro gave us some with Luke Skywalker (Endor). Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of this beautiful action figure. It’s best to make a critique about this action figure while holding it in your hands. Photos cannot accurately convey what the human eye picks up in the flesh. But we strongly feel that this head sculpt looks like actor Mark Hamill very much. Your opinions may vary. Luke Skywalker (Endor) has an outstanding likeness. It’s one of the most fantastic head sculpt of Luke Skywalker we’ve seen in The Black Series 6” line, and there have been many lately. Hasbro also included a lightsaber hilt and a lightsaber blade (green) to complete the figure for additional accessories. Interestingly, they’ve included no blaster of any kind, which we find to be disappointing. Hopefully, collectors of this line will agree that Hasbro included the perfect amount of accessories here regardless.

The old tooling reintroduces some of the critical areas where the figure falls a little short or misses the mark. The new parts and accessories make you forget about most of the original figure’s problems or issues, but we must illuminate that the “problems” are still present. For example, Luke Skywalker (Endor) still has lanky legs. Unfortunately, the much-too-long legs haven’t been shortened and are in desperate need of this adjustment. While we’re happy to see Hasbro reduce the sheen of the plastics utilized for their figures now, the tooling on Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) has aged to the point where the articulation system is beginning to weaken. The joints are a bit loose, and we don’t want to see that happen on new Star Wars action figures. We experienced some difficulty positioning Luke Skywalker (Endor) for the photoshoot. Despite the small stuff, we wouldn’t change our recommendation of this figure in the slightest. This figure is a must-have release. The Battle of Endor has some incredible versions of the many heroes that partook in the battle. And with the focus of other characters from Return Of The Jedi getting produce, like Admiral Ackbar and Teebo (Ewok), it seems Hasbro is just getting started.

Collector Notes

Luke Skywalker (Endor)

Status: Luke Skywalker (Endor) is a retool and repaint of 2014's TBS [P2] Luke Skywalker (#03) figure. This time the figure has an all-new portrait, and a new soft-goods poncho, helmet, and belt.

Articulation Count: 28 points (18 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), hinge-jointed neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), double hinge-jointed left knee (2), double hinge-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/”rocker” left ankle (2), ball-jointed/”rocker” right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 5

Accessory Details: soft-goods poncho, belt, helmet, lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: E9360/E8908

UPC: 5010993755639

Retail: $19.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Black Series [Phase IV] Wave 2

The Armorer (TM04)

Cad Bane (TCW06)

Han Solo (Endor) (ROTJ05)

Incinerator Trooper (TM02)

Luke Skywalker (Endor) (ROTJ04)

Phase I Clone Trooper (AOTC02)

Princess Leia Organa (Endor) (ROTJ03)

Rebel Trooper (Hoth) (TESB03)

Added: November 12, 2020
Category: Black Series [Phase IV], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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