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The Vintage Collection

Lando Calrissian - TVC - Basic (VC205)

Name: Lando Calrissian
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC205
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: October 2021
License: Hasbro

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Before 2021, we would have placed bets that Hasbro would have re-released The “Vintage” Original Trilogy Collection Lando Calrissian (with maybe a few tweaks) in The Vintage Collection before updating the character. We judged this based on their treatment of “Vintage” The Saga Collection Tusken Raider. Do you remember how many times they re-released that figure without any critical updates? Collectors couldn’t swallow that in post-2010 that they would re-release an action figure with swivel elbows, but they did. And it makes us so mad. After years and years of pleading with Hasbro, they decided to do good by collectors and produce a stunning all-new version of Lando Calrissian. And it’s easily one of the best figures of 2021, if not the entire line. It’s also worth mentioning that the Tusken Raider (VC199) also got a makeover, much to the joy of collectors, in the Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary sub-line of TVC. Working in a spectacular 30 points of articulation, Hasbro tried something new with Lando Calrissian by how they contoured the separate pieces where the insert ball-joints exist. Some parts may strike you as looking a little too wonky, say the cod section, for example, but other parts have beautiful aesthetics, like the knees, where the joint looks mostly hidden and seamless. Lando Calrissian is an excellent-looking action figure.

One of the most important aspects of The Vintage Collection line is the packaging. We feel Hasbro nailed the original Kenner artwork beautifully, and it matches very well but looks fresh and clean now in 2021. The figure is better. Lando Calrissian has a screen-accurate body, and Hasbro did a glorious job recreating the proper silhouette for this figure. They mimicked the costuming perfectly, and all of the details of the original outfit are present in this updated action figure. The colors are flawless and revive the memories you have of Bespin and Cloud City and the personality traits of this smooth-talking scoundrel. Lando Calrissian has a stunning portrait. If you believed that any of the past Lando Calrissian action figures had excellent head sculpts, forget about them. They all pale in comparison. It appears that Hasbro utilized some of The Black Series 6-inch digital files to size down a 3.75-inch head for this figure, and nothing previous comes close to this. It looks reminiscent of the General Lando Calrissian (ROTJ07) and the Lando Calrissian (39) 6-inch action figures released in the past. And we’ll guarantee that you’ll agree how phenomenal it is as well. As mentioned, Hasbro worked in 30 points of articulation across 17 areas. We never believed that we would receive a Lando Calrissian super-articulated and updated with tremendous screen accuracy. There is little to complain about here.

If there is an area to focus your criticism, perhaps you’d mention the cape. It’s not terrible by any means, but Hasbro did try to recreate the multilayered textures of the prop from the film, and it doesn’t quite make the mark. Both the outer steel blue and the inner golden-patterned lining are here. But there is no layering, and layering is a detail that Lando’s cape desperately needs. It’s much too thin, and its draping is creating from two darts placed on the bottom of the outer layer. It helps keep the cape close-fitted to the body, but it does move and stay as needed when you pose the figure as well. The cape also features a black collar and a think black string to stay in place around the figure’s neck while posing it with it. But, the cape doesn’t necessarily stay in place as needed, so you’ll have to be patient because you have to adjust it each time you futz with the figure. Lando Calrissian also comes with a DH-17 blaster, and it is decorated nicely and fits wonderfully in the figure’s hand. Overall, we’re incredibly impressed with Lando Calrissian. We have a modern counterpart and definitive update to a classic character that Hasbro seemed to avoid like the plague for years. Now, there is no reason for Hasbro to revisit Lando Calrissian. We’re glad that they caved and gave us this long-awaited update. This figure is award-worthy. That isn't hyperbole.

Collector Notes

Lando Calrissian

Status: Lando Calrissian is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 30 points (17 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), hinge-jointed neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2) ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-jointed left hip (2), ball-jointed right hip (2), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: removable soft-goods cape, DH-17 blaster

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: F1890/E7763

UPC: 5010993866311

Retail: $12.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Vintage Collection Wave 31

The Emperor (VC200)

Lando Calrissian (VC205)

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Added: October 2, 2021
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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