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Name: Han Solo
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC281
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: July 2023
License: Hasbro
A figure like 2023's TVC Han Solo (VC281) equally annoys us as it pleases us. Let's face it. This release was Hasbro's opportunity to give us a definitive modern counterpart to Kenner's 1984 ROTJ TVC Han Solo (In Trench Coat) figure. But because they released that "awful" figure more times than we can count, they decided to divert our attention, give it new card art and a new number, and "fool" us into believing it's a different take of the beloved character. But we all know this is Han Solo (In Trench Coat) without the trench coat. And even if they wanted to present a distinct or scene-specific version of Han Solo from Return Of The Jedi in The Vintage Collection, they could have been a little more thoughtful with the accessories included. For example, Hasbro just released the Endor Bunker, so why didn't they include a couple of grenades (that they already tooled years ago) alongside this figure? There was more they could do here, and we're disappointed by their lack of vision. When Hasbro reuses as many parts as they do these days, they must include more accessories with the figures. This assessment is exceptionally accurate when figures are approaching the $17 mark.
We're also irritated by this figure's generic "Han Solo" name. How does Hasbro not know by now that The Vintage Collection has rules, is an experience, and that the finer details like packaging and naming conventions are as important as the figures? They should have given Han Solo a scene-specific or location-specific subtitle. Ironically, the figure that this Han Solo figure is based on also suffered the same general naming convention. The "Return Of The Jedi" Han Solo is based on 2018's TVC Han Solo (VC124) figure (the one from Solo: A Star Wars Story). Hasbro brought forward precisely 50% of the figure to produce this Original Trilogy version of Han Solo. They used the lower torso/collection piece and the legs. They then repainted them and designed an all-new upper body, including a great head sculpt. But it would be best to choose the figure for your collection wisely because where the hair piece gets glued in place determines how excellent or wonky this figure looks. It's lovely to have a Han Solo figure from Return Of The Jedi that no longer utilizes the spindly legs first seen in 2006's VTSC Han Solo (In Trench Coat) figure. We've come a long way from that release.
Despite our whining, we are pleased about this figure's release and final results. We now have a definitive version of Han Solo from Endor, even if it's a tad incomplete. We're impressed with the figure's likeness to Harrison Ford, and while some will claim Hasbro could do better, it's a remarkable accomplishment. The figure has a ton of premium articulation, but we're disappointed with the lower body movement. We forgot how limiting the lower articulation is on the 2018 TVC Han Solo (VC124) figure. You won't be able to place this Han Solo figure in many action-oriented poses. The hips don't offer a wide range of motion; if the hips don't move well, the rest of the leg articulation is essentially useless. As briefly mentioned, Hasbro treated us to new cart art. The character photo they chose is excellent. They decided to rescue the red color for the nameplate and the figure backer section, so it's familiar, as they stayed within the official Han Solo (Endor [In Trench Coat]) release. Han Solo is a must-have figure for your collection. They got it "right" this time, despite it leaving us feeling short-changed.
Status: Han Solo is kit-bashed figure that utilizes the lower torso/codesection and legs of 2018's TVC Han Solo (VC124) figure. The rest of the figure is all-new and has been completely repainted.
Articulation Count: 30 points (17 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), reverse ball-socket neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-jointed left hip (2), ball-jointed right hip (2), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 2
Accessory Details: removable molded vest, DL-44 blaster
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: F7311/F6878
UPC: 5010996133663
Retail: $14.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
The Vintage Collection Wave 38 |
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